Why Didn't You Say Anything?! (Part Two)

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For Karma_Warhawx and Artemistigress. I hope that you guys like it. 1254 words, WOW. 

In Artemis' head

"Hold-hold on. He-he's coming. Be quiet, o-ok?" An eleven year old Jade whispered those words to a six year old Artemis. Her voice was shaking, something it never did. She was terrified, and it spread to her sister.

"Is Daddy gonna hit us again?" Artemis asked her sister.

Jade nodded, deciding not to tell her sister that she had seen a gun that their father was holding. She didn't want to scare her sister.

"Where's Mommy, Sissy?"

"She's at work." Jade was begging whatever force was out there that their mother would get home right now and nothing would happen. The girls' father only ever hit them when their mother wasn't home. It had been going on since Artemis was three, so the younger girl had no memory of it being any different. Jade did, though, and wished beyond all hope that their family would go back to the way that it was.

"I want Mommy!" Artemis shrieked.

Jade clamped a hand over her sister's mouth. "Shut up! Or we're gonna get caught!" She hissed in a whisper.

Artemis could feel that there was something different about today. Jade was never this scared. Why was she now? Judging by her father's voice as he called their names, he was drunk, but that didn't surprise her. So why was Jade so scared? Artemis had never been so utterly terrified in her short life.

Suddenly, the blanket on the bed they were hiding under was ripped off, revealing the girls. "Gotcha!" Their father hissed, smirking. He yanked his daughters out from their hiding spot. He raised his gun. Artemis, who was on her stomach, closed her eyes tightly. The gun went off with a bang. Jade cried out. Artemis slowly opened one of her eyes, unable to stop herself. It widened in shocked horror. Jade was lying curled up, the front of her shirt turning red as blood soaked it.


Suddenly, their was another bang, and Artemis felt like her leg was on fire. She realized what had happened. The pain was horrible, and she was soon sobbing.

"I'm calling the doctor," Sportsmaster growled. "Don't you dare tell your mother what actually happened unless you want to be shot again, fatally this time." He left the room. Jade fell unconscious, and Artemis could feel herself slipping, too. Finally, she gave in, succumbing to the darkness.


"What do you mean, only Sportsmaster has the antidote?!" Wally yelled, outraged.

"I mean, only Sportsmaster has the antidote," Batman said, agitated. "He came up with the fear gas bullets, which has a chemical in it that the usual gas doesn't contain. Therefore it needs another antidote. But Sportsmaster is the only one who has it. If you want her back, you'll have to get the antidote from him."

The team looked at each other. They shared a collective nod. "Where is he?!" Robin asked.

"Probably at his house. I have his address here, but-"

Megan snatched the piece of paper from him. She and the rest of the team took off. Not too long later, they arrived at an old house. It was brown, and wooden. Not very attractive. They didn't even bother to knock, they just busted the door down. The living room was fairly nice, but was minimal. The kitchen didn't smell very good at all. The teens separated to hunt down the masked man. Robin, Wally, and Megan were one group.

"You here to find the antidote to fix my daughter?" A deep voice said.

The trio whirled around. There stood Sportsmaster. Suddenly, the blond man's words registered in their heads. Wally and Megan's eyes widened with total shock, their jaws dropping.

Sportsmaster removed his mask. "Oh, she didn't tell you? No surprise, she's a selfish b****." He eyed Wally. "Didn't even tell her boyfriend, huh? She's a punk."

"You're lying," Wally stated, glaring.

"Your little Martian friend can assure you that I am not."

"He's telling the truth." Megan was in a state of shock. Why hadn't Artemis told them?

Anger flared through Wally. Until a thought suddenly hit him. "So, she's your daughter, but you shot her and nearly killed her anyway."

Sportsy chuckled. "What did I say? She's a worthless punk. Wish that bullet had killed her, would've saved me a lot of trouble. Any, it's time for you to go. She's proven herself selfish and insecure to the point of lying. Go on back home and tell the League of your discovery, even though they already knew. Finish that b**** off, she'll never wake up without the antidote."

Wally and Megan were over their shocked anger towards Artemis, and were furious with her father. "Give us the antidote." Megan said coldly.

"Now, why on earth would I do that?" Sportsmaster asked. The rest of the team finally found their way into the room.

Conner cracked his knuckles. "How's this for an answer?" He threw a punch, but the man caught it.

"Here's my reply." The villain pulled out a glass tube. "This is all I have left of the antidote, I tested it on prisoners first." He dropped the vial, and it shattered on the floor. "Oops."

Conner glared at him, seething with anger. He had heard the man say that he was Artemis' father, but he didn't care. Arty was like his little sister. And NO ONE could hurt his little sister. "You better have been trying to trick us."

Sportsmaster smirked. "I wasn't."

Conner threw a fist, hitting the man square in the jaw. The adult fell to the ground and both Conner and Wally started pummeling him, yelling at him to give them the antidote while the man laughed, saying he didn't have anymore, and that the world would be better because of it.

Megan was infuriated by those words. She marched straight over to him and brought her foot down so hard on his head that he was knocked unconscious.

Suddenly, Robin whirled around after hearing a faint thud. Cheshire was standing there. "Looking for this?" She held a vial filled with the same clear liquid that was in the one Artemis' father had destroyed. Seeing how everyone looked ready to fight her, she added, "I don't need it, and it'll feel good to spite that ba*****. Plus, can't leave my little sister like that."

"Little sister?" Zatanna muttered to herself. Well, now she finally knew what Artemis was going to say Halloween night.

Cheshire tossed the vial to Wally, who easily caught it.

"You were the one who bandaged her up last night..." Robin said.

"Yep." The ebony threw down a smoke bomb, and when the air cleared, she was gone.

Wally held up the vial. "Let's get this back to the cave."

An hour later, Artemis' eyes finally opened. Wally embraces her. "Oh, god, Artemis, you scared us so bad. Don't you dare do that ever again."

Artemis smiled slightly. "I'll try."

Wally kissed her. Then his face became serious. "Why did I have to find out from Sportsmaster that he is your father?"

Artemis hung her head. "I'm so sorry, Wally! I- I didn't think that you'd like me anymore, that you wouldn't trust me, and you'd hate me, and you'd leave like everyone else does."

Wally pulled her into a tight hug. "Artemis-"

"It's ok. You can leave. They all do."

"I'm not leaving you, Babe. I love you, Arty, and that's not changing."

Artemis relaxed against him. "Promise?"

"Promise." Then he smiled. "You good, Arty?"

Artemis smiled back. "Yep. You?"

"Fine and dandy." The couple looked at each other and laughed. The cuddled each other, happy to be in each other's presence as they both drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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