chapter 1

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The photo above is Madeline's best friend Lainey.


When I was thirteen lost a lot in my life. It was right before my birthday. My parents left to go get a special gift that they said would not be easy to hide. My little brother at the time was ten and wanted to come along. Once I had realized how long they had been gone I had started to panic. Police showed up at my door telling my they were all dead. They brakes were out and they couldn't slow down before the sharp turn. They crashed off the cliff and in the woods.

I had been passed around from relative to relative. Finally I had ended up with my grandparents. Not for long though. Right after I graduated and moved into a small apartment. I had struggled keeping in a job. That was until they showed up at me door. I bet you're wondering who they is. Well I'm not supposed to tell anyone but here it is. To make it short, I stop the bad guys and save the good. No I'm not part of the police. Not with the CIA, FBI, or any security force known.

I'm part of the UKI which is also called USI. They were planning on changing the name to INI but that most likely is never going to happen. Now about what those mean. UKI is United Kingdom Inter-force while USI is United states Inter-force and INI is International Inter-force. I look down to see a text on my phone. Well I guess were officially called all together the INI. I'm just surprised they actually changed the name.

Anyway back to what I was going to say. Nobody knows about this organization. I got in only because two men showed up at my door threatening my life. They didn't scare me and then we had a nice talk and a little drive. They hired me immediately. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you my name. I'm agent Bliss, Madeline Bliss.

Lets just say this job is not easy. Not even close. I have to get up early every morning not knowing how long I'll be at work. Sometimes I end up having to pull all nighters. It was night and I had just gotten home after a long exhausting day. I was in the middle of my shower when the power went up. Quickly I finish and get dressed into sweats and a t-shirt. It was freezing in the apartment. Going around checking the windows I find that one was cracked open. I groan shutting it.  My phone starts ringing and I quickly ran to the kitchen where I had set it down.

"Hey," my boss Rick says. He doesn't like people calling him by his last name and preferred his first. "I was just calling to make sure your alright. I heard all the power is out along with the heating."

"Yeah, Im fine. It's just a little cold since I forgot to completely shut one of the windows."

"Well then come down here until the power came back down. I dont think its going to be on for a while."

"Does this have something to do with a-"

He cuts me off, "yes and we you dont need you to stay there and freeze."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

Handing up the phone I got to find some shoes to slip on. I grab and hoodie and keys on my way out the door. Keeping near the wall I slowly made my way down the hall and outside. I climb into my car that they had gotten me for my sixteen birthday. The car that they never got to bring home. I startup my car and start heading down the road. It was about a forty minute drive thirty five if the roads were good. I pull into the parking lot of the huge building. Inside everyone was still at work. They were some running down the hall with a file in their hands and some were leaving to go home. I wasn't there for work there and head straight over to the fireplace. Sitting down to the closest care I hold my hands out to the fire.

"Hey Madeline," my friend Lainey calls coming over. "I thought you already went home why are you back?"

"The powers out and Rick told me to come here so I dont feet to death."

"Oh Well I don't know what I would do without you if you froze to death. Well actually I would probably hunt down who is ever in charge of this and kill them."

"Actually I think that's kind of Ricks doing."

"Okay maybe I wouldn't kill him because then a whole army would come right back at me."

I just laugh.

"Well I really have to get going. I can't keep my husband worry about me."

"Yes! Go home and enjoy tonight. Happy anniversary by the way."

"You already told me that multiple times."

"Oh really? Did I? I must of forgot," I say with a grin.

She just shook her head, "Bye Madeline."

"Bye Lainey. I'll just be here enjoying this fire."

She glances back smiling at me before heading out the door. I smile and look down to see a text from Rick saying he needs to see me in his office. Slowly I stand up and get in the elevator. Luckily I was alone. The doors open on the fourth floor. Heading down the hall I make my way to his office. His door was already open and I quietly step in while knocking at the door.

He looks up and smiles, "Come and sit."

I sit down right across from his desk.

"I have a little task for you."

"Shoot," I say with a smile.

"Okay so this is a harder one then I give most.

"So I'm guessing you must really trust me?"

"You can put it that way. Your partner is going to explain everything on the way there."

"Wait partner?!"

"Yes you heard what I said."

"But..I work alone."

"Not this time. This is not a work alone type of task."

"Okay. So when do we leave?"

"Tomorrow. You will need to get plenty of rest for the flight tomorrow."

"What time does the flight leave?"

"Don't worry you will be able to get plenty of sleep. It leaves at 10:25 but you will need to be here at 9:00 to 9:15. Also the power should be back on at your apartment."

"Okay, thanks." I say getting up.

"Meet here in my office tomorrow right away. Also pack for hot weather."

"Well then I'll see you tomorrow."

I start to head out to my car when I accidentally run into a man on the first floor.

"Watch where you going," he says a bit annoyed.

"Sorry," I say definitely no meaning it.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day for sure.

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