Chapter 6: Interviews and One Direction Family Bonding Time!

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Heading out to the corridor, Liam dinged the elevator button and waited for it to come down. When the doors opened, we saw Paul, who was gesturing to us to board the elevator, 'cause time's a-wasting! It's like he knew just what elevator to get on. Liam and I clambered into the small elevator, and twiddled our thumbs awkwardly as Paul was busy tapping away on his phone and fiddling with his nametag. The doors retracted and we swiftly sped out the apartment lobby and filed into the SUV.

"So, Niall, is Skylar coming?" Zayn asked with extra emphasis on Sky's name, a smirk evident and playing across his lips.

"Um, no, she's lookin' for a summer job righ' now, b'cause she needs to save money," I kept my face hidden, I could just feel a blush being smeared across my cheeks.

"But she's FILTHY STINKING RICH!" Harry pointed out.

"Yeah, but I guess her parents don't like to spoil her and want to teach her responsibilty," Liam added.

"Ohohoho! Is she coming over tonight?" Louis said as he rubbed his hands together, smirking devilishly.

"Um... I don' know about t'at, but she will prob'ly be done by t'e time we're done wit' our interview wit' Bella," I said, looking at my reflection in the phone, which I have been subconciously doing for a while now. Okay, no, I am not going to turn into Zayn... Right?

"NIALL! WE GOT YOU SOME CHICKEN!" Liam shouted, as he got a bag of food from the drive-thru window. Okay, I take that back now. No mirror can take me from my everlasting love for food.

YESSSSS!!! The second-best thing since meeting Skylar. Wait, did I just question my love FOR FOOD?!


"Hello, it's Bella, and we are not in my usual studio, as some of you might have noticed! We are doing a special interview from Orlando, and with a group of some very special, and uber talented boys! Ladies and gentlemen, One Direction!!!" Bella announced, which was our cue to come out from behind the backstage curtain.

Eardrum-piercing screams erupted from the studio audience. I fought the urge to cringe and taped on a smile. We had a rather large audience of rabid fangirls here, and I wasn't ready to get attacked...

Bella herself, was a rather... Modest interviewer. I could tell she was still young, and pretty, having hazel eyes and auburn hair. She wore a loose menswear blouse, and jeans, with little flats that clung to her dainty little feet. I'm actually glad though, because I find it rather creepy when our interviewers are females twice our age and try to hit on Harry...

"So, care to introduce yourselves?"

"I'm Harreh," Harry said in his lethargically slow drawl.

"I'm Loueh," Louis peppily said, flashing a smile to everyone in the audience, making them go nuts.

"I'm Zayn, vas happenin'?" Zayn delivered his signature catchphrase in his Pakistani boy accent.

"I'm Liam," Liam responded, with a smile.

"And 'm Niall," I finished, giving a thumbs up to the audience.

"Nice to meet you boys! How have you been?"

"Amazing!!!" We all chorused in reply.

"That's great! So, you guys have been working on a new album, I hear?"

"We have, back at Syco records. It's going to be released around the end of summer or early fall!" Zayn inquired.

"I've been told that Orlando is the last stop before the end of your tour here, is that right? How has the whole American tour been?"

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