Chapter 12 ♔ Hawaii Trip pt. 1

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Atmosphere POV:

I wrapped my arms tightly around Kian's waist as a way to protect myself from falling off this ATV we had rented earlier in the day. Kian was going at an excessive speed, but I didn't really care about that. I was more concerned at how he was trying to crash into the other guys and throw them off course.

"Kian, stop!" I hissed at him as he purposely tried to hit his ATV with Corey's.

"Come on, Jennings. Live a little!" He yelled back, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

It's been a couple of days since we have arrived in Hawaii. We have been doing every activity this beautiful island has to offer, but I think my body is about to shut down, because your girl needs a break. I'm not this active as you can see. To me being active is going down the steps to go fetch some food and make it back in time before the next episode I'm watching plays.

Kian came to a screeching halt, causing a sigh of relief to leave my lips, "Thank god." I mumbled to myself before unwrapping my body from his.

"Damn, look at that view." He whistled as he took off his helmet.

I slowly took my helmet off as well before handing it to him, "So, that's why you wanted to be the first one up here?" I questioned, causing a grin to appear on his face.

"Exactly." He winked at me, before helping me off of the bike.

My legs felt like jello from sitting in that uncomfortable postion for what seem like hours, "At least we didn't have to hike up here."  I said, causing a small chuckle to leave his lips.

"Don't get too happy, kid. We're going on a hike in a couple of days." He said, causing a groaning sound to leave my lips.

"Son of a bitch." I mumbled to myself.

"Hey!" Kian snapped, which took me by surprise, "No cussing." He smiled, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"No cussing." I mocked his tone, causing him to sake his head at me.

The sound of other ATVs caught our attention causing us to turn around and see that our friends had finally caught up to us.

"You're a cheat!" Corey yelled as he tossed his helmet to the side.

"How!?" Kian jokingly snapped back.

"Let's be real here. Kian always cheats no matter what." Jc chimed, causing a groaning sound to leave Kian's lips.

"You guys are idiot." He mumbled before walking away.

"Oh, brother." I mumbled to myself before following Kian's steps.

He was now quietly sitting by myself near the ledge on a perfectly flat rock. He seemed to be at peace at the moment even after that little fight with his friends. I think it's because nature was healing him, it was being a shoulder he needed at the moment.

I slowly sat down beside him and pulled my legs closer to my chest. I sat there quietly with him and just listened to the ocean waves collapse onto the sandy beaches below. The wind dancing through my wavy hair brought a comforting feeling to me. It was peaceful; something we both needed at the moment.

"Do you ever wonder what you look like in other people's eyes?" He asked me as his eyes kept staring straight ahead.

I tilted my head slightly, "What you mean?" I asked.

A sigh left his lips as he shook his head, "Sometimes I feel like people see me as either the hot guy, the idiot or the jerk. Like it sucks, because they never really see the real me or they chose not too. I hate when people already have you made up in their mind just because of a small conversation their heard about you. And because of that conversation that's how they will always see you. It's annoying." He breathed.

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