Chapter 8 ♔ From Brock

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Atmosphere POV:

It was Friday morning. The day I was gonna tell everyone my final decision about whether or not I'm staying in California or going back to Kansas for good. And right now I'm freaking the fuck out, because I don't know how the heck I'm gonna get these guys to my new place without ruining the surprise.

I already had my suitcases in the trunk of my new, blacked out, Chevy SUV that I had just bought, but these fools think it's a rental. I was just waiting on everyone else to come with me, so they could go drop me off at the airport. But in reality I'm just taking them to my new home.

"You really are leaving?" A raspy voice said from behind which startled me.

I held my hand over my pounding heart, "Jeez, don't scare me like that." I hissed at Sam.

He held his hands up, "Sorry, it's just I didn't think you would leave again." He said with sadness dripping from his voice.

A sigh left my lips, "I'm sorry, Sam." I apologize, "Is everyone ready?" I asked as my glossy eyes flutter behind him.

His baby blue eyes followed my glaze, "Ya, we are just waiting on Colby." He answered.

"Oh okay." I mumbled.

"You know Colby is the one giving you those gifts, right?" He chimed.

"Sam, I asked him the other day and he kept telling me it wasn't." I sighed.

He eyed me, "He did?" He questioned.

"Yeah, sadly." I whispered.

"I don't understand this kid sometimes." He hissed underneath his breath.

"I don't either." I mumbled.

"Okay, we are ready." My best friend said as they all walked out of the house including an emotionless Colby.

"Okay, let's go." I said before getting into the driver's seat.

I slowly pulled out of the driveway and headed for the main road that will lead me to my new home and not the airport.

"Umm, why are you going the opposite direction?" Jake questioned me.

I quickly glanced at him, "Well, I need to stop by at someone's house before I leave." I answered.

"Who's house?" He asked.

"Just someone's." I mumbled, before turning the corner.

"You do realize you're gonna be late for your flight if we make any stops along the way." Corey said from the back.

"Yeah, but it's just a quick stop guys, I promise." I reassured them.

Once we enter the luxurious neighborhood, everyone couldn't stop gasping at all the mansions we passed by, which kind of made me giggle inside. Because just wait until they see my new house.

"Who the heck you know that lives here?" Aaron asked.

"You guys know her too." I said as I pulled up to the front gates.

"Her?" Sam questioned.

"Yup." I simply said.

The security guard buzzed me through which I gladly thanked him, before driving up the steep hill.

"Okay, are we meeting Oprah?!" Jake asked, causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"No, Jake." I breathed, before turning right.

My anxiety bubbled up inside me as I got closer and closer to my destination. But once I saw my new home come into view, it felt like my heart wasn't gonna burst out of my chest anymore.

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