"Care to explain how this got in my office?" you asked, showing him the note. "I had Ruddiger put it there" he replied causally. At the sound of his name, a raccoon's perk up his ears and jumped onto Varian's lap.

"I think the guards would be interested to know you've been letting your pet out of your cell," you said with arms crossed. "If you were really going to tell, you would've done that already," said Varian with a smirk as he pet the raccoon. After a moment, he put Ruddiger on the floor and stand up.

"You know, sweetheart," he started, "I like what I've heard about you, especially the name. (Y/n)." You said nothing but you were sure that he's trying to flirt with you. "It's a name that puts a smile on my face," he continued. You rolled your eyes and turned to leave. But he's not one to give up.

"It makes me feel there's someone here I can relate to. Someone who might like to hear my secrets."

That got your attention. You stopped where you were and smirked to yourself. Now you're getting somewhere.


It toke you three months to finally convince the King to let you set up a session with Varian. The guards toke Varian to a private room where you can speak with him without anyone interrupting. You smiled with confidence as Varian laid down on a couch. You had studied all his tricks and gimmicks and felt like you were ready for anything.

Varian sighed and said, "You know, all I wanted to do was to make my dad proud."

You blinked in surprise. You were ready for anything... except that.

Varian continued, "Yet, no matter what I do, I can't seem to do anything right in his eyes. Every time I tried to help my village, he shook his head. Whenever my invention backfired, he would say, 'Not again, Varian'. Father tends to favor simplicity, you see."

"Uh-huh," you said, looking sympathetic towards him.

"There was only one time I ever saw dad really impressed," he said, starting to smile a bit, "He toke me to a science expo when I was seven. I still remember the inventions they presented. They make every day chores look so much easier and fun. And then, an alchemist from out of town came up on stage and gave some examples of alchemy's incredible power. He opened my eyes to a whole new world."

Varian started laughing.

"And my old man clapped so hard, I thought his hands would break. So the very next day, I ran out to meet him with a smoke bomb I've made from watching the alchemist's presentation." He then spoke with a higher pitch, like he's a kid, "'Hi dad, look what I- whoops!'" He spoke again in his normal voice, "I tripped and the smoke bomb fell out of my hand! It landed on my dad's shirt and goes off! His face got covered with purple powder and his hair got blown back! I couldn't help but laugh because he looked like a circus clown!"

He laughed and you laughed along with him. You laughed so hard, tears start to fell. "And then he said, 'Not again, Varian'," said Varian sadly, making you stop laughing. Varian looked into your eyes as he continued, "But hey, that's the downside of being a scientist. You're always taking shots from people who just don't understand you. Like my dad... or Rapunzel." He growled at the last two words.

As time passed, it became clear to you that Varian, who was so often described as a raving, homicidal madman; was actually a tortured soul crying out for love and acceptance. A lost, injured child trying to make the world a better place with science. And there, as always, was the self-righteous princess, determined to make life miserable for your angel.

Wait, did you just call him your angel? You blushed at the thought. Before you realized it, you had grown more and more attracted to him every time you see him. Could it be that you're starting to have feelings for him? You shook your head, trying to deny it because he's a criminal and you're his doctor. Not to mention what would the king say if he finds out. But eventually, you couldn't take it anymore. You needed to tell someone.


One day, you were laying on a coach, explaining the situation with a person next to you. When you finished, you sighed. "Yes, I admit it. As unprofessional as it sounds, I had fallen in love with my patient. Pretty crazy, huh?" you asked.

"Not at all," said the young man besides you, "As a dedicated, career-oriented young woman, you felt the need to abstain from all excitement and fun. It's only natural you'd be attracted to a man who could make you laugh again." You smiled at him and said, "I knew you'd understand!" Varian smirked and said, "Any time."

But then, there's that horrible week when he escaped. The poor thing's on the run, alone and frightened. You were so worried. You couldn't eat, you couldn't sleep, you couldn't think of anything else other than Varian.

Then, one day, while you were in your office, pacing and worrying about him, a guard opened the door. "They got him!" he said. You ran out of the room, pushing through the crowd. You gasped when you saw Varian, bruised and beaten, getting dragged in by the guards. You moved forward and pulled Varian away from them. You held him in your arms, crying.

"What did you do to him?" you barked. "We didn't do anything," said Pete, one of the guards, "We found him like this." Another guard, Stan, nodded in agreement and said, "We heard him said something about Rapunzel but then he blacked out" You look up at them with narrow eyes. Hearing those words convinced you that Rapunzel was the one who hurt him, just like she hurt him before. Despite your best efforts to hang on, the guards pulled you and Varian apart. You screamed as they drag him further away from you.



You looked at Varian from outside his cell for a moment before heading to the throne room. You begged the king, queen, and Rapunzel to let him go, but they refused. They also had learned of your affections toward him and told you that it would be best to relieve you of your duty. Hearing this, you glared at them for a moment before you left the room with tears in your eyes. But that wasn't not the end of it.

You went around the village, visiting stores to get the things you need, such as food, ingredients, and a dark cloak. Then you went to Xavier's blacksmith store to grab some metal and his potions. Xavier tried to stop you from taking all of his potions, but you punched him and knocked him out. You then went to Varian's old house to find his alchemy journal and learn everything from it.

In the dead of night, you snuck into the castle wearing the cloak you brought and a mask you found in Varian's lab. You dodged the guards and placed some chemical balls in the hallways as you make your way to the dungeon. When you were nearly there, you threw a vial of purple liquid at one of the balls, making them explode and set off a chain reaction of explosions. Soon, the whole castle was covered with purple smoke.

Then, you used the green powder you made to put the two guards watching the door to the dungeon to sleep. You grabbed a key and used it to unlock the door. You ran to the cell Varian's in and use two vials of chemicals to explode the bars open. Varian jumped, despite his injured body, and looked at you with confusion and amazement. You took off the mask and hood and gave him a smirk.

"Knock, knock, Vary!" you said songfully, "Say hello to your new and improved (Y/n) (L/n)!"

Before anyone knew it, you and Varian ran out of the castle, setting off more explosions along the way. You both got on a wagon with a horse attached to it and made it toke off. Varian laughed as the horse pull both of you across town, over the bridge, and into the forest. You smiled with glee, believing that soon, you and Varian would live happily ever after.

(Part 2, anyone?)

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