"I'm pretty sure that qualifies as cheating, Queen Rowan," Afton quipped, grinning.

"My queen, are you able to only hide your body while you're in the shadows? Keep your mind from being hidden?" Demetri asked.

"Please just call me Rowan, everyone. At least when it's just us around," I pleaded. "And second, I don't think so. I can do the opposite, which you know, but I don't think it will work the other way around."

"Oh, very well. Rowan, then. Could you at least try? That way if you're in trouble and have to hide, at least I can find you," Demetri said.

I sighed. "Fine, I'll try. I don't think it'll work, though."

"It's worth a shot. You can do it," Afton encouraged.

"Thanks, Afton." I smiled at him before disappearing once more, concentrating deeply on the shadows that cloaked my mind. Trying to repel those was impossible, however; I couldn't push them away without dropping the shadows entirely.

I reappeared after several minutes and shook my head. "There's no way I could do it. I can't push away the shadow that guards my mind without completely dropping the shadows that conceal my entire head."

"Yes, well, that's not convenient," Demetri muttered. "I suppose I'll have to get used to your scent so I can track you the old fashioned way as best I can."

"Sorry," I apologized.

"It's not your fault. At least, if push comes to shove, you'll be safe from notice," Demetri said, sighing.

I glanced around the room. "You said this room is used for sparring?"

"Correct. It's in use nearly twenty-four hours a day. Felix and I train most of the new recruits here, and the instated guard use it to polish their skills by sparring against each other," Demetri told me.

"Neat. Jasper taught me some basic self-defense, but he stopped after a while since he didn't want to slip and accidentally hurt me."

"What sort of things did you learn?" Demetri asked, interested.

"Mostly things that work against humans. Jasper said my best bet if faced with an unfriendly vampire was to just disappear and run. Which, looking back, was pretty good advice," I said.

"It is good advice. Follow it," Alec said. He and Jane had sat down on the step that elevated the doors up from the rest of the room.

"It would be useful for you to know some self-defense, in the case of human attackers. Not that you should have any reason to fear such a thing, but worst case scenario..." Demetri trailed off, looking thoughtful.

"That would be fun! I haven't punched anything in ages," I complained. Demetri didn't look convinced, but the slight lift of his lips told me that the statement amused him. "Besides, it really is all for my safety."

"It couldn't hurt," Afton said with a shrug.

"For the record, I think this is a bad idea and I don't think the masters would approve," Jane said.

I waved away their concerns. "Look, I'll make sure you guys don't get in trouble if the kings get mad at you for training me. Please, Demetri?"

"Oh, fine," he finally sighed, motioning me forward. "I'm going to show you a few moves, correct your stance. Then you can slow spar with Afton - and don't spar full force, Rowan, otherwise you'll just end up hurting yourself."

"I know. Vampire skin hard. My skin soft," I said sarcastically.

Demetri raised his eyebrows. "Do you want to learn or not?"

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