018 | the one for him

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"God, I'm so proud of you!" Y/N gushes as she wraps her arms around Mena tightly. "You've accomplished so much in such a short amount of time. You've got to be so proud of yourself."

Y/N, Mena's favorite person in the whole world, has been nothing but his support system since they met each other at the tender age of 11 and 12. Nothing has been able to separate them or dwindle the love between them. More specifically, the unconditional non platonic love she's developed for him.

"Thank you," Mena smiles shyly, bashful at her compliment. He fixes his mouth to speak, but the sound of his phone ringing cuts him off. "I'm sorry, give me one second please."

"Okay," Y/N smiles small, fiddling with the throw blanket that's on his couch. She pulls it over her body and snuggles into it, inhaling his sweet scent.

Y/N leans against the edge of the couch, not paying too much attention to his conversation. But, the word "date" coming from his mouth causes her ears to perk up.

Her brows furrow as she then begins to pay attention to the words flowing from his lips. Her heart shatters as she realizes that he has a date later on in the evening with a woman, a woman who isn't her like she wishes it would be.

"See you, bye," he says into the phone, then hangs up. He slides his phone into the pocket of his sweatpants. "Sorry, Y/N."

She waves him off weakly, trying to ignore the pang in her heart. "So, date tonight?"

Mena chuckles shyly and nods his head. "Yeah. Let's see how it goes."

Y/N raises an eyebrow in confusion. "Huh?"

"It's like a blind date kind of thing. Not something I'm a fan of, but hey, decided to give it a try anyways, see how it goes. Who knows, maybe she and I will have something in common."

A soft sigh escapes her lips as she tries to smile to mask the pain that's rumbling deep inside. "Y-yeah, maybe."

Apparently the date between Mena and the mystery woman had went extremely well. The two continued their string of dates, and it looked that it had gotten pretty serious over the past few weeks.

Though Y/N—along with everyone else—is extremely happy for him and his newfound love, she cannot help but still feel a twang of jealousy. Just part of her wishing that he was holding her, kissing her, smiling down at her. It's all she desires but it's too late.

Sighing deeply, Y/N prepares for the premiere of his new movie. She decides to wear a long red dress with thin straps and a long slit up the side, paired with silver stiletto heels. Her hair is straight and it cascades down her back like a curtain. Her makeup is simple but she's wearing a bold lip to bring it all together.

She grabs her belongings and shuffles our of her apartment and to the car that is waiting for her outside.

The premiere of the movie was wonderful, she can't deny that. She enjoyed the whole experience—watching Mena and the cast interact with one another on the carpet, take pictures with fans, and overall just beam in pride and contentment.

She also liked taking pictures on the carpet with Mena, but her good mood eventually vanished when she was ushered off of the carpet to make way for his girlfriend. She shouldn't have felt the way she did, she knows that. She just couldn't help it.

During the premiere, she sits next to Mena on his right while his girlfriend is seated on his left. She thinks she could handle it, but she couldn't. All of the whispering and touching and sneaky kisses are too much for her to handle. She sighs shakily and rises from her seat.

Mena grabs her hand gently, saying, "Where are you going?"


She shakes her hand out of his grasp then slips passed the people in the aisle. Mena excuses himself, following after her.

He finally sees her standing by a large column, wiping her eyes as she pulls her cell phone out of her purse.

"Y/N! What's going on?" he asks, gently placing his hand on her waist. Y/N shivers at his touch. She shakes her head and proceeds to search for an Uber.

"Nothing," she mumbles, dabbing her cheeks with her finger gently. "Not feeling well."

Mena studies her face, not buying what she's selling. It's not that she isn't feeling well physically, it's something else. "Y/N..."

"Mena, I'm fine," she replies, her voice cracking in the process. "I'm okay."

"You're not, Y/N! Talk to me, I'm your best friend."

"God," she grunts. "Yes, you're my best friend. The best friend that I'm in love with, the best friend that's apparently too blind to see it. I cannot stand watching you interact with another woman who's not me, Mena. I tried my hardest, my absolute hardest because I love you, but I can't do it anymore."

Mena stammers, shocked at her bold confession. He cannot help but feel everything he pushed away begin to bubble up inside.

"I-I do love you, Y/N."

"You don't, it's okay. You don't have to pity me, I'm a big girl," she answers, looking back at her phone. Mena huffs and snatched it out of her hand, putting it into her pocket.

"No, Y/N, quit being so stubborn and just listen, please!"

Y/N sighs and looks into those big brown eyes she's grown to love so much. They're gleaming, they're glassy. It emphasizes the beautiful color even more.

"I love you, I do. I guess I was naive and didn't understand that you felt the same way I did, so I didn't worry about it. So those dates, they were just a way to try to get over what I thought would never be true."

Y/N blinks, realizing that if only they had acted like adults and communicated properly, all of this could've been avoided simply. But, that's not her immediate focus. He admitted that he loves her. It doesn't get any better than that.

"You love me?" she asks, pointing to herself.

Mena bites his lip gently and nods. He reaches for her hands and intertwines their fingers. "I do, and I'd like to do this right. But, after I break things off with..."

Y/N nods her head.

"So will you come back in? We still have a movie to finish," he asks slyly, a smile inching across his face. Y/N rolls her eyes playfully and nods, allowing him to guide her back into the theatre.

When they make it to the doors, Mena stops her, saying, "Wait!"

Y/N turns towards him and is greeted by a soft kiss upon her cheek. She smiles gently, and they walk back to their seats. Her night had a good ending after all.


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