007 | destroyed (pt 2)

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And that's how it went. Every time Aladdin was gifted time with the princess, he'd pluck out one of her possession when she was sleeping or laying little attention and slip it into his satchel.

In total reward for the priceless items he snatched from the princess, he has received over 14 bags of dates and enough money to purchase a new blanket. It all seemed well because only he had known what he'd done. At least so he thought.

What he doesn't know is that a certain handmaiden to the princess has become suspicious of his intentions when it come to the princess, seeing that every time he comes around, something of the princess' suddenly disappears.

Every time the handmaiden mentions it to the princess, she immediately comes to the defense of the young man and claims he would "never do such a thing."

"Princess, I'm just saying to keep a close eyes out."

The princess nods her head and thanks the handmaiden for her concern, then ushers her out of the room for she is expecting Aladdin to come soon. The handmaiden sighs but says nothing else as she leaves the princess alone.

Moments later, Aladdin enters her room from the balcony. That charming smile is playing on his pink lips. He greets her with a soft kiss. "Hey." He pulls his satchel off and tosses it on her bed.

The princess smiles bashfully and says, "Hello, love."

"I have to use the restroom. Be right back," he says, pecking her forehead then hustles to her bathroom that's built in her room. The princess chuckles as he races away.

She moves towards her bed and plops her bottom on it. The satchel slides off the end of the bed and before she can grab it, it hits the floor with a thud. The princess curses herself as she bends down to pick it up. She raises an eyebrow at how heavy it is.

Out of curiosity, she peaks in the bag and her heart drops at what she's met with. Everything, all of the things that she began to see were missing in the last four days is stuffed into the bag.

Her mother's ring, her silver hair piece, a necklace from the queen of England. He had it all and lied to her face about it.

Light footsteps fill her bedroom and Aladdin's soft voice calls out, saying, "I'm back."

The princess turns her head and stares at the man through blurred vision. He raises an eyebrow in confusion. "What's wrong?" His eyes avert to the satchel in her hands with the cover flipped open. He closes his eyes and sighs.

"You lied to me," she says calmly. "Not only did you lie to me, but you stole from me, too."

"Princess, it's not-"

"Do not tell me what it does or what it does not look like, Aladdin!" she exclaims, shooting up from the bed. "I trusted you. I gave myself to you, I loved you, and you betray me like this? For what? If you needed the help, I would have done everything in my power to relieve your worries. But, I see your pride for in the way."

Aladdin stammers as he tries to find the words to say. Everything is happening so quickly that he can't even wrap his head around the fact that she indeed caught onto his act.

"You told me you loved me," she says lowly, locking eyes with the thief who had stolen her heart and ran with it with no care in the world.

Aladdin steps towards her with pleading eyes. "Because I do, I do love you." He tries to reach for her but she pulls away from him.

A bitter chuckle escapes her lips. She harshly wipes away a stray tear that has fallen down her face. "I can't believe I was so naive. Once a thief, always a thief."

"Princess, hear me out," Aladdin tries to reason. The princess cuts him off by lifting her hand. She releases a shaky sigh and her nostrils flare in anger.

"Please, just go. I wish for you to leave."

Aladdin steps towards her again, and she steps back, saying, "Leave. I can't talk with you right now."

He stares at her with sad eyes for a few moments, then nods his head. "I'm sorry." He turns on his heels and exits her room from the balcony, not even bothering to take his satchel with him.

Once he is out of sight, the princess releases a wretched cry as she falls to her knees. She should've known it all was too good to be true.


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