013 | floating

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A dopey smile creeps unto Y/N's as the reoccurring memory of a night well spent scatters through her mind. Her stomach begins to turn from pleasant emotions taking over her body. She's never felt like this before, with nobody. It's an unusual feeling, but she likes it.

It's almost two in the morning, yet she hasn't closed her eyes to obtain much needed rest. The NASCAR in her brain keeps her awake as it takes pit stops at the locations of the memories she's reminiscing.

Her mind clouds with recollection of the evening they had not too long ago. She can still feel his lips lingering on hers. His cool breath brushing against her neck as his lips peppered her skin gently. His fingertips grazing her warm skin so tenderly.

She recalls how safe she felt in his arms after he spent hours holding her, bringing her close to him. She remembers hearing his heartbeat as he made her feel more than loved.

It all feels like a dream that she's reliving. Her smile gets wider as she thinks of him, feeling as if she's floating in midair.

Y/N bites her lip gently, turning her head towards her cell phone which rests on the opposite side of the bed.

Her arm extends to grasp it, but she tugs it away quickly, contemplating on sending a swift text. Maybe he's asleep, she says to herself. No, he stays up late.

She purses her lips as she snatches her phone off of the bed, fixing her fingers to send a message. Her thumbs move across the screen swiftly, typing come through?

Her emerald irises are glued to the screen as she awaits his response. Butterflies rumble in her stomach, flapping aggressively as she spots the three little bubbles make an appearance.

His doe-like eyes are glued to the ceiling, finding sudden interest in the designs etched into the drywall. A small smirk is playing on his lips as his
mind drifts to Y/N. The exquisite thought of her causing his heart to beat rapidly. There's never been a day since a woman has been actively present in his subconscious until now.

He cannot seem to let go of their first night of non-platonic intimacy together. He tugs on his bottom lip gently as he reminisces on the evening. Her body pressed against his. Her smooth lips pressing against his passionately. Her fingers tangling with his. Her finger drawing imaginary shapes across his chest after it was all said in done, his fingers tracing her lovely curves. It won't leave him alone. He doesn't want it to, either.

He shifts in his bed as he closes his eyes, trying to envision her in his mind. The black ball of nothingness that originated in the beginning begins to mold and shape into a beautiful woman. She has tanned skin that's been baked by the sun perfectly, medium length hair that frames her face perfectly, big brown eyes like Bambi, so innocent and cute, a slender nose, and heart shaped lips. Her body is curvy, her arms are muscular, her thighs are thick, and she is a bit on the taller side, standing at 5'8. She's so beautiful, she's Y/N.

Her silhouette in his mind stares back at him, smiling softly. His stomach churns in delight. His eyelids open quickly, and he sits up to search for his phone. He needs to see her.

He grabs his phone from the black nightstand next to his bed. Just as he unlocks it and prepares to go to her contact, he notices a new text from her.

He smiles as he reads her text. Pushing himself up from his bed, sliding on his shoes and grabbing his car keys, exiting his home quickly.

Y/N yawns quietly into her elbow as she fights to keep her eyelids open. It's almost two thirty, and the urge to sleep as suddenly come over her.

Her eyes begin to flutter closed slowly, but the soft knocks on her apartment door cause her to jolt awake. She whines tiredly as she swings her legs over the bed.

Padding out of her bedroom and to the door, she rubs her eyes like a young child. Opening the door, her tiredness seems to wash away when she comes face to face with her favorite person of the face of the earth.

He smiles at her, showcasing the dimple in his left cheek. He doesn't give her to opportunity to speak before he steps into her home, closing the door behind him.

He takes her hand into his and leans in to kiss her gently. Y/N hums as she falls into the kiss, loving how his lips feel on hers. It's soft, sweet, much different from the other kisses they've shared in the passed. It almost seems...loving.

"Hi," she says bashfully when they break away.

He pushes a strand of hair that's fallen from her ponytail out of her face. "Hi."

She smiles lazily and guides him to her bedroom, where she falls asleep in his embrace just as shes don't many times before.

His hold on her is tight, almost as if he doesn't want to let go. She doesn't mind though. She doesn't want him to.


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