012 | in his arms

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"So, I was thinking maybe we could..."

Y/N forces a smile as she pretends to listen to the man who's trying to serenade her into his bed. Little does he know, despite his charm, good looks, and gorgeous smile, she's not going anywhere with him.

There's no one else she desires to lay beside except the man who still has her wrapped around her fingers, though their relationship took a pause about six months prior.

Y/N—a beautiful women with golden bronze skin that glowed under the rays of the sun, pretty hazel eyes that twinkle with joy, a small rounded nose which crinkled often, and plump lips begging to be kissed—used to be in a relationship with a young actor and entrepreneur by the name of Mena Massoud.

She and Mena met in a local market, both searching for the same vegan products, but their options were limited. He cracked a joke about there not being a lot of vegetarian and vegan options in that specific store, and it sparked a conversation.

From the moment Y/N thought he was definitely a fine man with an equally exquisite personality. She liked his joyful aura, the positive vibes that radiated off of him, all of it.

The two exchanged numbers and immediately began conversing over text message, phone calls, and FaceTime. It wasn't long before Mena asked her out for an evening and she did not hesitate to say yes.

He took her to a cute vegan cafe in downtown Los Angeles, then to the beach to watch the water crash upon the sand as the moonlight danced over the waves. She'd never forget it.

Soon after, they were officially an item and everything seemed to be going well, that is until he began traveling and working more than he intended. On top of that, he landed the role of Aladdin, so he wasn't around, and when he did come home he was tired from filming and did not want to be bothered. Hell, sometimes he hardly spoke to her. But, it wasn't intentional.

Unfortunately as cliche as it sounds, it put a lot of strain on their relationship and they decided that maybe it would be best to take a break until everything passed.

Now. the movie has been released and the press for the film as begun to die down, but their relationship has not been rekindled.

Y/N hoped that he'd try to reach out to her after he missed her calls. She hoped he would respond to her texts, but he never did. So, she thought maybe it was time to move on from him.

And now, she sits at a dinner table across from a man who has no intention on loving her, rather just unzipping her pants. This isn't what she wants. He isn't what she wants.

"...head back to my place," an arrogant smirk plays on his lips as he leans forward on his elbows.

Y/N smiles uncomfortably and clears her throat. "Uh, I don't hit third base on the first date. So, if that was your intention, then we should cut this short down."

The smirk that was previously on the mans face is replaced by an unsatisfied grimace. He nods slowly. "Yeah.."

Y/N sighs deeply and unzips her black Gucci purse, pulling out two twenties to cover her meal. She tosses them on the table and stands from her seat, tossing her kinky hair over her shoulder.

"Have a nice night." She turns on her heels and exits the restaurant, taking her respect and dignity with her.

As Y/N cruises down the street in her black Avalon, the thought of her ex lover fills her head. She wonders what he's doing, if he's found someone else in the midst of their breakup.

She's tempted to take a left and go the opposite way to the home she spent a lot of time at, but then again, she doesn't want to risk getting her feelings hurt if he doesn't reciprocate what she's feeling.

A small sigh escapes her lips as she stops at a four way stoplight. Her thumbs tap against the leather steering wheel as she contemplates her actions.

When the light turns green, she turns on her turn signal and busts a U, heading in the direction she desires to go.

Y/N bites her lips nervously as she rocks on the balls of her feet, hoping that she wouldn't be standing in front of a door for long.

She hears footsteps increasing towards the door. Her heart rate accelerates ass she anticipates coming face to face with Mena.

The door opens slowly. Y/N tries to smile when she is met with Mena, who's dressed in a Nike shirt with sweatpants. His curly hair is styled nicely, as if he just got in and swapped out his clothing.

"Y/N," he says lowly, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What're you doing here?" A small pang hits her heart. She doesn't know why she expected him to be more enthusiastic to see her.

"Uhm, never mind. Forget I came by," she says in embarrassment, clutching her sides as she turns her back to him so she can go down the steps.

"Wait, wait," he says, grabbing her arm gently. Y/N turns back to him, not daring to look into his big brown eyes. "What's up? Hey, look at me. Are you alright?"

Y/N slowly lifts her head to gaze into his eyes. She can feel her throat begin to close as tears threaten to fill her eyes. It's been so long since she's been able to admire him in such a wonderful way.

"I've missed you so much," she mumbles, trying to smile. "I just—I just wanted to see you, that's all."

Mena sighs softly as his eyes soak in her sad beauty. Her doe like eyes are glassy and filled with so much emotion. Her eyebrows are knitted together as if she's determined to hold back her emotions. Her full nose is crinkled as she sniffles. Her plump lips are turned into a frown. She looks miserable.

"I-I've missed you too," he replies honestly. Their separation obviously affected him as well. It's not hard to end a relationship with someone you've grown to love mentally, physically,
emotionally, and spiritually. That's not something you let go of easily.

Y/N nods slowly, content with his small confession. There's a silence between them for a few moments. She sniffles again. "I, uhm. This is embarrassing, I'm sorry. I should go."

"No, stay," Mena says. "Please...stay."

Y/N says nothing. Her mouth opens as he slowly takes her hand into his, gazing into her eyes as he does so. She doesn't object his actions. Slowly, he guides her into his home, closing the door behind them.

Y/N finds herself laying in his bed, her head resting on his chest as his fingers slither underneath her sweater, grazing her soft skin.

They don't release any words. There's no reason to. The looks they've exchanged since she entered his home as done all of the communicating for them.

Y/N sighs in content as she draws imaginary shapes onto his clothed chest. This is exactly where she desired to be, it's where she belongs. In his arms.


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