Start from the beginning

She wasn't scared and she definitely wasn't going to lead a village with torches to anyone's front door, but she knew that as long as she would go without answers, she would go without rest. She wanted to know more, she needed to study the matter at hand, and while the death of Holly White was spinning her heart into tight knots, she couldn't help that think that maybe the woman notoriously of action would approve Freja using her death as an excuse to investigate further.



FREJA'S EXHAUSTION WAS wearing off and becoming replaced by sheer adrenaline and excitement, visible in the hurried steps she took towards the precinct after a much-needed shower and a quick breakfast. Although hearing about her source's experiences had been chilling, she was now fueled by the thought of zombies being real, all her hard work paying off after all these years. She knew couldn't assume without evidence, as white hair or pursuing another profession hardly counted as credible proof — the latter would have dubbed her as inhuman, too, but that was exactly why she was after more binding clues. The only problem was, finding brains at a morgue wouldn't really strike anyone as surprising.

But, determined as always, Freja strolled into the bullpen with a wrong tone of happiness, her enthusiasm earning a frown from Matilda who met her at the top of the morgue's stairwell.

"I know I've never seen you mourning someone not fictional but I really didn't have you pegged as the type to grieve like... this", Matilda muttered with a haphazard gesture at Freja's grin, the very same one she forced herself to wipe away with a shake of her head.

"Sorry, sorry. Weird timing, I know, but someone actually came to me about my blog post last night", she explained giddily, her fingers entwining with one another in satisfaction when she watched amazement widen Matilda's eyes. "I think I'm really onto something here. I'll keep you updated", she added, brushing her hand across the woman's shoulder before pointing towards the morgue, simply for Matilda to offer an apologetic smile.

"I've got a case to solve, but we'll meet up for lunch? You may be smiling like a maniac but one of your friends just passed away. Also, I still haven't gotten the details about your date with Dr. Charmer down there", she planned, the sympathetic look in her eyes melting into unadulterated mischief as she stepped away, just in time to dodge the incoming slap on her arm.

Still, even if Freja refused to call last night a date, she had to admit that hearing about zombies hadn't been the only highlight — spending time with Ravi had already become a memory that earned a smile from her at the mere reminder of it, and Matilda made sure to point that out before throwing her coat on and heading out.

"Hey, you're headed down too?" The sound of a new voice spoken from behind her startled Freja, but once she had spun around and spotted Detective Babineaux standing there with the notepad she guessed was practically glued to his hand, the surprise on her features softened.

With a nod, the woman gestured at the stairs to propose him going first, only for Clive to insist otherwise. "Yeah, I hope I'm not being a nuisance. I just...", Freja began, about to explain how her own job was requiring her occasional presence, but settling for a simpler response, she looked over her shoulder to direct a faint smile at the man following at her heel. "I guess you're investigating Holly White's death. We used to go to the same sorority. Liv, too. So I thought I'd stop by", she pursed her lips together sadly, not exactly faking the traces of heartache but making sure to go the extra mile.

"Of course, by all means", Clive responded with a vigorous nod, a heartfelt frown forming on his face and his free hand reaching out to graze Freja's shoulder, "I'm sorry for your loss. If there's anyone you can think of that would have something against her, let me know any time."

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