XIX: Sacred Heart

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"I guess you guys are going to need some help getting out of this mess then, huh?" Mina asked. "Maybe my roommates and I could lend you a hand. We haven't gone out on any missions yet this year, so perhaps we'd be available to help defend you guys."

"Shouldn't you be focusing on the project you came here to work on in the first place?" S.M. questioned.

"Perhaps. It's part of an exchange program or something. Half of a given dorm group is sent to train with half of a dorm group from its opposite, so for Alitia, that would be Sacred Heart. The other half of both dorms is paired up too. We aren't supposed to start training for a few more hours, about two or so. I know I should concentrate on the project, but at the same time, you can't blame me for wanting to help you. You're my little sister. Of course I'm going to worry if I think you're in danger. That's how family works, right?" Mina smiled.

S.M. didn't give much of a response. She looked down at her feet, but without even communicating, Mina understood what she was thinking of. She wrapped her sister in a hug and pulled her close. "I know it's not easy, but you get used to it after a while. I mean, you'd never imagine I missed them still... It's hard, but it gets easier over time. The longer you're apart, the better you feel," Mina told her optimistically.

"I don't want to get used to it though. For crying out loud, they're my parents. They're our parents. What kind of parents simply cut off their kids and act like nothing is wrong? It's ridiculous and monstrous. Hell, we weren't even of age when they ditched us. Normally, it's supposed to wait a year, but since both of us were accepted into Alitia... I didn't think I would care as much as I do, but here we are. I can't stop thinking about it," S.M. sighed.

"I understand... I mean, everybody else is so excited for breaks when they can go back home and talk to their parents again for the first time in what feels like forever, and we're stuck here since they don't want to see us or, as a matter of fact, have anything to do with us. I know it's part of the culture, but that doesn't make it any easier on us," Mina admitted.

"To hell with culture. If culture means that we can't see our parents over eighteen to 'increase independence', then I'd much rather toss that culture in the garbage and make something new. Igni is ready for change. There's enough negativity taking place as it is. We don't need to make it worse with all these ridiculous traditions that hinder more than help," S.M. complained bitterly.

"Calm down, little sis. I know you want to scream and punch whoever came up with this idea in the face, but that isn't an option now. You can go back home and talk to Grandfather about it one day," Mina offered.

"That's the main thing that bothers me. It's starting to seem like it's not a culture thing at all. I mean, our mother didn't have to cut off Grandfather. She's still living under his roof now with Father. What, are we too 'common' for him to give a crap about us?" S.M. questioned angrily.

"I understand. I was thinking the same things when I first came here. Why does everybody else get a choice but us? We're out here on our own when others still have a place to go with their parents... It does get better with time, but the wound doesn't ever heal completely. I mean, I haven't seen them in over two years, and it still twists my gut to think about them knowing how they left us here without so much as a goodbye," Mina murmured.

"We should be able to see our parents, for crying out loud! I'm still a kid, and even if you're an adult, taking that choice away when they're still alive and well is terrible!" S.M. shouted. She gained the attention of many people in the courtyard, prompting her to look down and away from the wandering gazes of the witches spread about.

"Do you want to talk for a little longer about it?" Mina asked, pulling S.M. into a loose yet comforting hug.

S.M. shook her head, feeling tears enter her eyes. They fell down her face regardless of her free will. Mina got to her feet and pulled her sister up with her. "Come on. Let's go and clean you up," Mina whispered.

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