Chapter 33

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I saw he was on top of a roof hidden out of the way staring down at the street, were the wagon was.

I landed next to him quietly. "Good you made it, Are they not back yet?" He asked confused why I was alone.

"They're just restraining the men, they'll be a while, probably gunna' question them a bit to. To see who sent them and what there goal is" I shrugged.

"Well?" Levi asked as a girl guarding from a roof next to us landed.

"The road is crowded but I've seen nothing unusual, it's not far to commander pixies' from here so I think we're good" she explained "how's the body double mission, You was just there right?" She asked turning her attention to me.

"It was successful, Armin and Jean are safe again" I told her my eyes not leaving the wagon.

"You don't seem very pleased about that captain" she said once again turning her attention to Levi.

"I'm not" he admitted blankly.

I turned my head to him and rested my hand on his shoulder. Silence filled the air. The crowded streets began to clear and the girl got our attention by saying "Captain the wagons almost on the move again"

"Nifa, you've heard of Kenny the ripper" Levi stares blankly, I instantly tensed at the mention of his name. I met Kenny a few times when I was with Levi, but neither of us had seen him in a very, very long time. Long before we managed to escape the underground.

"That mass murderer in the capital. The one who slit the throats of over 100 mp's. Of corse but, I always thought he was an urban legend" Nifa said.

"The story's are all true" he said bluntly with a cold expression. "He's no legend" I could hear the anger in his voice as he spoke. He slowly took my hand in his glancing down at it.

"I lived with him back when I was a kid" he explained to her.

"Yeah, very funny sir" she chuckled. I could tell she didn't believe him. I mean it is hard to believe such a thing so I'm not surprised. "This isn't really the time to be making jokes"

"It's no joke" I sighed and she didn't say another word looking confused like she was deep in thought.

More silence washed over us before there was a small but very noticeable step before behind. I went to turn around but Levi turned quickly grabbing me by my waist and pulling me backwards behind on If the roof chimneys before I could even react. "Nifa!" He yelled trying to warn her but it was to late as the gunshot went off.

"Long time, Levi. I see that little bitch F/n's still with ya', I thought that would be the case" A very familiar voice spoke from behind. Levi squeezed his grip on me tighter before letting go when the sound of a wire was shot into the wall.

"...nope doesn't look like you've changed much at all boy" Kenny said coming into view aiming his guns at us.

"Kenny!" Levi shouted as he took out his sword throwing on straight towards Kenny.

He blocked it and fired but we both moved in time sliding down the roof of the building "go separate ways!" I yelled and he nodded quickly shooting off in one direction while I went the other.

"Follow the little bitch don't let her escape I want you to capture her! I've got Levi!" I heard Kenny yell making my tense. Why me? I thought he would care more about capturing Levi then me"

"Shit" I muttered as a few people started chasing me. I knew Kenny would go after Levi, but if I could at least get a few of the others to follow me instead I could be of some help to him. I ran through an alley closely being followed by the group of what I can only assume a Kenny's group. Luckily I had a huge advantage, I may not be as good as Levi when it comes to my ODM gear skills but I was the fastest person when it comes to speed.

I shot up and at full speed turned a few corners before dropping into an open window of a building. "What the fuck where did she go!" I heard a female voice shout followed by multiple wires shooting over the roof of the building.

I got away easy, there was only a few chasing me. Which means Levi's in a lot of trouble...

"I hope your okay Levi" I muttered to myself worried as I jumped back out of the window. I made sure the The coast was clear before heading back towards the wagon. I flew high in the air so that I could spot it easily.

"There" I said to myself spotting it. I followed it going closer, only to see Historia and Eren laying in the wagon passed out. Fuck, they got there before me. This is bad...

I followed after the wagon. I looked around but I couldn't see any of the squad. "Shit I don't know what to do" I thought to myself. I shook my head and increased my speed landing on the wagon. I pushed on of the men of the side and slit the other ones neck with my sword. The driver of the carriage turned her head and pointed her guns at me.

I was about to move but I was stopped when I felt something sting in the back of my neck.

"Fuck..." I muttered as everything started becoming fuzzy.

The girl pointing her gun at me laughed and lowered it, turning back to face the front. "We has strict orders from the captain himself to capture a small (h/c) haired, (e/c) eyed girl. My guess is that your names F/n" she laughed once again.

Why me? Kenny wanted me captured? But why me and not Levi?

I fell to my knees as everything got darker and darker and the noises of gunshots seemed more distant by the second. The last thing I heard was my name being called before I fell on my side and the darkness consumed me.


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