No work

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I woke up again but this time I wasn't in the hospital, I was in Levi's room.

I sat up and saw Levi wasn't here, 'he's probably in his office'

I slowly and painfully got up, I opened Levi's room down. I walked to Levi's office and knocked on his door, I weakly opened it. "L-levi" I wispered.

He instantly stood up but feel back down. "F/n, why are you up?"

I ignored his question and made up way to the sofa, still in intense pain. "How's your ankl?" I asked worriedly.

"It's nothing just a fracture. Are you still in pain?" He said.

"N-no" I lied trying not to make eye contact.

"You can't lie to me" he looked at me with half open cold eyes.

I smiled when someone came barging in the door. The door swung open and the person fell on the floor.

"Hanji!" I said in shook.

"Why are you here shitty glasses" Levi said bluntly.

Hanji ran over and hugged me "F/n, darlinggggg!"

I coughed "H-han-ji...I" in pain I tried to warn her.

"Four-eyes get of her now!" Levi shouted throwing paper at her head with a i-will-fucking-kill-you expression.

Hanji released and let go instantly, "f/n, I. Are you okay" Hanji calmed down for a second

"Yeah" I breathed deeply.

"Great!" She yelled. Then she wispered some thing to me seriously and worriedly "Erwin wants to see you but doesn't want Levi to know"

"Oi brat!" Levi shouted, Hanji's head snapped towards him. "What are you talking about?!"

"Oh, girlllll stuth!" Hanji replied.

'Tch' is all Levi replied and got back to work.

"Let's go!" Hanji helped me up.

"Where do you think your going?" Levi said angrily.

"I need her help with something" Hanji replied rolling her eyes.

"What? Don't you dare do anything that will hurt her!" He yelled at her.

"I would never dream of it!" Hanji said and we walked out the room.

We got to Erwin's office "before you go in..." Hanji put on a serious face, one you do not see much from her. "I'll be waiting out side, I know what he's like" she said leaning against the wall.

"Thank you" I wispered to her before knocking on the door.

"Come in" Erwin instructed.

I stumbled in and got to the chair, Erwin's eyes widened in seeing my condition. "I-" he stopped instantly and didn't say anything more.

"What did you want to see me about?" I got straight to the point.

"Both you and Levi are going to be out of work due to your injuries" He stated.

I looked down and nodded.
"This is a problem as you are humanities strongest soldiers" he added. "Making you even cuter..." he wispered the last part.

I stood up and made my way to the door "wait" he instructed I turned around holding the wall to keep me up.

"I'm going to send you some paper work along with Levi's, is that alright?"

"Yes thank you sir" he began to walk up to me but I opened the door. Once he saw Hanji she death glared him and he stopped in his tracks.

"Let's go Hanji" I smiled at her slightly.

"Yes let's!" She shouted excitedly and walked me back to Levi's office.

I walked in and "I'm sorry about that" I said to Levi and sat on the sofa.

"What did she want?" He asked concerned.

"She didn't want anything we went to Erwin" I admitted.

"What? That bastard why?" Levi said clenching his fists.

"Don't worry Hanji stayed with me,  he just said we are going to be out of work their fore he is going to be sending paperwork" I confessed.

'Tch' Levi replied. Then we was interrupted once again.

"C-captin Levi, sir?" I heard a familiar voice say behind the door.

"Come in" Levi replied.

"Thank you sir is f/n he-" It was Eren he looked at me and fell to the ground in front of me.

He grabbed my hand and held it in his "f/n I am so sorry, this is all my fault. I understand if you don't forgive me, but I am really sorry if there's anything I can do i-" Eren blurted out before I interrupted him.

"There is achally" I smiled at him.
"Anything!" His eyes widened waiting what I was going to say.

"Stand up, that's all" I instructed.

"W-what" he looked in shook.

"Does she have to repeat herself" Levi yelled at him and her instantly stood up.

I smiled at him "thank you f/n" He thanked me for forgiving him.

"Now get of her" Levi snapped glaring at him.

Eren noticed he was holding my hand in his and let go "I um I'm sorry" he bowed.

I laughed slightly "it's alright"

"Is that all?" Levi said.

"Yes. Thank you sir!" Eren left the door closing the door.

"What is that child's problem" Levi smiled at me slightly.

I laughed in response.

I was glad that me and Levi get some time off to just relax...

Levi x Reader-lost friendWhere stories live. Discover now