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            Hoseok woke up and took a light walk thru their mansion just in time someone knocked on front doors. He opened as a messenger bowed and handed him a note. "What is this?" Hoseok asked as he started to open it. "Personal business invitation for Kim's youngest sun's wakening and funeral." Messenger explain as Hoseok jelled back "WHAT???!!!!". Messenger sadly nodded back as others came to him by hearing him jelling. "Why are you jelling? You know it's not polite." Jeong's father came to him as Hoseok continued to talk with loud voice "Kim's youngest is dead!" . "What? Taehyung?" Jeong's father looked surprised as he took the note out of his hands. "Yes! Taehyung! Did you have to do anything with it?!" Hoseok jelled at him. "No! Why would I?" . "Oh I don't know! Because it's you!" Hoseok jelled back at him as he stomped away from them. Because he couldn't find Namjoon anywhere he went directly into Jeong's room. Jeong's butler JiTae was there sitting on the bad, sadly looking to the ground.

            He looked at Hoseok who sat next to him on the bed "Any more bad news?" he sighed as Hoseok nodded and told him what happened. They sat there and thought what they can do.


             In Kim's mansion they set the table in the big lounge, surrounded by tons of red and white flowers. Doctor and Jin prepared Tae for his eternal peace. Jin was crying his heart out the whole time. When he was ready, they took him to the table and placed him down. In the first row were his parents; mother was crying her eyes out as father just kept looking to the ground with devastating, sad look. Shortly others joined them. They all sat down in the big lounge and remembered all good memories of Tae in complete silence. Just sobbing was heard.


           Namjoon paddled his heart out and as he hit the shore, he saw Jeong outside the cottage in the distance. Jeong looked at his way as he waved him. Namjoon stumbled to his direction. When he reached him Jeong greeted "Hey you. Missing me already? You couldn't be even a whole day without me? Or my father already made a mess?". Namjoon sat down as Jeong went to get him something to drink. He took some water with him. "Here." Jeong handed it to him as he looked at the town' way across the lake "Have you maybe saw Taehyung by any chance? He heard of the situation already?" . "No. I haven't. I don't know actually." Namjoon mumbled back. "Come one Namjoon. It's not everything that bad. I was thinking we could actually run far away together. I will write him a letter and please you to deliver it to him ok?" Jeong happily jumped up as he wanted to get the paper but Joon got a firm hold of him. "Namjoon?" Jeong now took a good look at him. He saw sad and confused look in his eyes. He sat down as he again called out "Namjoon? What's wrong?"

           "I have the worst news for you that anyone could think of." Namjoon hardly mumbled. "What? If my father disowned me it's not a bad news. It's the greatest! I could finally be with Taehyung since I would not be a Jeon anymore." Jeong smiled as Namjoon started to nod away. "No. You couldn't be, never the less..." . "What are you talking about? Of course I could be. There is nothing that could keep as apart." . "Yes there is." . "What? If are his parents, believe me i-" . "No it's not his parents..." Namjoon just couldn't say. "Namjoon! Tell me right now what is going on!" Jeong got irritated. Namjoon kept looking to the ground. He was thinking of words, he could say to him. But his mind was blank. "Ok. Then leave! I don't want to-" Jeong stood up and turned to enter the cottage as Namjoon jelled after him "Taehyung's dead!".

           A world stopped for Jeongguk. He turned and looked at Namjoon who sadly looked to the ground as a tear rolled down his cheek. "What you just said?" Jeong whispered as Namjoon slowly repeated "Taehyung... Is dead...". As he said it again Jeong's legs gave in. He fell down on the grounds in front of the doors as he couldn't catch his breath. "How?" . "They say the cause is yet unknown." . "Where you heard about it?" . "They sand the messenger to the center. I was just walking by as I heard it. Since then I came straight here." Namjoon calmly answered as Jeong still couldn't breathe right. "I have to see him..." Jeong said as he tried to stand up.

TaeKook: Romeo and Juliet a little different (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now