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         Jin sat Taehyung down on his bed and brought him a glass of water. "Sir? Sir! Please." . "What am I supposed to do now... He's gone." . "Sir please. Go to the church right now. Clergyman Suga always helped you. Maybe he can do something about this.". And really. Taehyung dressed himself and snuck out of the mansion. He practically ran to the church.

          He walked in totally silent."Excuse me?" Tae whispered as clergyman raised his look. "Taehyung? I was not expecting you just yet." Clergyman hurried to him. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't be home anymore." . Clergyman offered him to seat down. "Problems again?" he started as he knew Taehyung from younger age. "Never this big as now." . "Well Jeongguk is not here yet, we arranged for at noon." . "Father Suga. Jeongguk will not come." Taehyung whispered as tears started to roll down his cheeks. "What are you talking about? Of course he will come. I have never saw him so much in love." . "He can't come, because he was banished." Taehyung cried out. Taehyung explained what happened yesterday and this morning trial and just couldn't stop crying.

           "Oh, that's not good. I'm afraid I can't do anything about this. My power is not that great." Father started to pace around. "I can't do this..." Taehyung placed his head in his hands.

           "Taehyung-ah... Is there something else on your mind?" clergyman held his hands. "I'm off to get married in 2 hours. To someone who is trying to take over everything my family worked for. And I can't do anything about it." Tae cried out. "Jeongguk didn't mention you're off to get married to someone else." . "Because this happened after he left that evening. What can I do to stop this? I will kill myself if I have to marry this guy and not Jeongguk." Tae cried out as Suga thought a little.

         "Wait! Maybe we can arrange that." Clergyman jumped up and disappeared in his chamber, leaving confused Tae behind him. "Arrange what? My suicide? I'm not a drama queen, so there is no arranging." Taehyung sighted as he took deep breath. "No, not that. I would never let you kill yourself." Clergyman came from his chamber. "But drink this and you will fall in deep, deep sleep. And since you won't be awake, you can't get married. In the mean time I'll go fetch Jeongguk and we will make things right.".

          Taehyung thought just for a second as he took the bottle and drank it all in one go. Than clergyman Suga sent Taehyung home.

            As Taehyung was walking to his mansion, he started to get a little dizzy at the front doors. Jin noticed him and ran to him. "Sir? Sir! Are you all right?" Jin panicked. "I—m f—in—e." Taehyung mumbled as he fell unconscious. Jin started to panic and calling for help on top of his lunges. They placed Taehyung in his bed and called for the doctor. Because of the potion, his heart beat started to get really weak, and the doctor could not hear it, and his breathing was really shallow so it could not be visible either. His body went to calm state. So after an hour Taehyung was declared death.

             Namjoon just came home and take a look at others: Hoseok was taking a rest in his room, Jeong's father locked himself in his office, others were out of sight. After half a day he decided to take a walk thru the town. It was slowly getting dark.

            When he came to the center he saw a group of people all together around the billboard for announces. "I guess they are already hosting a party to celebrate this." Namjoon sighted as he walked closer. He saw one man arpoching the billboard, he was all dressed up and rolled off big paper as he read out loud "Kim family is informing everyone that during recent day, Kim Taehyung, the youngest of the Kim family died. The cause is not clear." . Namjoon lost his breath. He ran closer as the man continued "His funeral will start with 3 day wakening beside him in the Kim's mansion with today being the first day. Everyone, who wants' to give him respects, are kindly invited. He will be buried in 3 days on town's graveyard.". The man sadly looked everyone, folded his paper back and left. Namjoon just couldn't breathe.

            "Hello Namjoon." Clergyman approached him as he grabbed him by his shoulder for balance. "What is it? Are you ok?" Suga looked at him and hold him for his hands. "Taehyung's death..." Namjoon gasped out. Clergyman surprised looked at him and on the billboard. "I have to tell Jeongguk-ah. I have to." Namjoon talked with himself as clergyman opposites him "No. Wait. You can't just ran to him with this news!" . "I have to tell him!" Namjoon didn't listen him as he ran away while clergyman shouted after him "No Namjoon! Wait. Let me explain to you!!" but Namjoon didn't heard him. He ran to the harbor and took first boat that came to his hands as he started to paddle towards the island.

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