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           "Jeongguk? I have to ask you something. Something very important." Tae sighted as they sat down at the bench nearby. "Anything for you." Jeong answered as he holds his hands. "Can you take your mask off and tell me who you really are?". Jeong thought a little as he untied his mask and slowly took it off to reveal his full face to Tae, who just lost his breath yet again. "My name is Jeongguk. Jeon Jeongguk. That is my home." Jeong showed at the mansion next to them. Tae stood up as he started to nod away. "No, no. This can't be. What have I done...." Tae started to walk around in panic talking to himself. "Hey. What's wrong?" Jeong went after him. "I did something I should never do." . "What is it? We can sort it out. Together." Jeong took his hands.

            "You don't understand. We can't sort this out! You can't unsorted something that is not supposed to happen. Not even in dreams." . "Of course we can." . "No, Jeongguk-ah. You can't order my heart not to fall for you." . "Why would our love be a problem?" Jeong didn't understand as Tae took off his mask quickly and cried out "Kims can't interact with Jeons! It's the first golden rule!" . This time Jeong didn't know what to say. "You... You are Mr. Kim's only son?" Jeong asked as Tae looked down and slowly nodded. "Yes. I'm your worst enemy. And I'm sorry. I never planned for this to happen." Tae said as he took of the ring and hold it out for Jeong to take it. And so he did. Jeong stepped in front of him, took the ring and placed it back on Tae's finger. "I don't care what your name is. My heart fell for you and I will not tell it any other way. But if you don't want to be with me..." Jeong said as he hopefully looked at Tae who slightly smiled at him and nodded "I do want to be with you. Now and forever.". They hugged and shared loving kiss.

            "What will we do?" Tae sighted after the kiss ended. "I will figure something out. I promise." Jeong hugged him as he saw Jin coming closer. "I have to interrupt this time." Jin came to them, followed by Namjoon and Hoseok. "Gionmi is looking for you. Butlers can't keep him away any longer." . "Gionmi? Hyuk Gionmi?!" Jeong repeated as Tae looked at him "Yes. Why? You know him?" . "What is he doing here?" Jeong got little angry as Hoseok jumped in "He's a suitor his parents choose for him." . "You must not have anything with him! He's bad news." Jeong looked at Tae who nodded in agreement "I know. But I don't know how to change my parent's minds. He's perfect in their eyes." . "You have to try. Get him far away from your family and yourself." Jeong again stated as Namjoon showed him that is time to leave.

         "I'll let you know tomorrow about us. I will sort everything out. I promise. I'll go to church right away." Jeong kissed Tae and they parted away.


           They watched after 3 friends left and Tae turned to his butler "I might have an idea.". He explained his plan and they went to get his parents. Tae came closer as mother happily looked at him. "Mother. Father. May I speak to you? In private, please?" he looked at Gionmi with straight face as Jin dragged him away from them.

           "What is it son?" father looked worried at him. "I was thinking about something. And I would like to hear your thoughts about it. But I don't want to argue." Tae started as were both parents ready to help him out. "I realized that my marriage is very important for me as for our family business. And that is important for my husband to be... the right one. But have you ever thought of, just maybe, combining with Jeon family?" Tae finished his question as his mom went to her thoughts but father didn't look happy. "What? How can you say that? You haven't learned anything about our family history?" . "That's way I asked you this question. I listened about our history probably a million times, but no one can explain to me why are we enemies in the first place. So if everybody forgot about it, we can finally merge our families and conquer the world. Both businesses are very big and powerful. We can fight off every other threat." Tae finished his argument as mom backed him up "I agree, honey. You never told me why are our families fighting." . "That's not even important. We have to merge with others, to fight off Jeon's. And that's it!" his father got really angry. "But I-" . "Taehyung, this is the end of discussion! You haven't choose anybody so you're marrying Gionmi!" . "Wha-" Tae started to tear up. "Tomorrow!" father kind of yelled at him and then stormed away.

             Tae started to cry and ran to his room. Jin ran after him. When he got him, Tae fell in his hug, crying really hard. "Sir, go to church tomorrow, go get married and then you two can ran away. Leave all of this behind and maybe things will be different.". They stayed together until Tae fell asleep.

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