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           Just as they came to their garden, on the other side of Kim's fence, Namjoon turned to Jeong "So you really found him, didn't you?" . "Yes. Yes I have." . "What he said to you after we went away?" . "I asked him and we agreed, that if we meet tomorrow before midnight, we will get married, if not we will never see each other again." . "Ok. That's a good plan. You stated your feelings and now he can choose his answer. I like it." Namjoon agreed as they went inside. Each went to his room and they all fell in good, nice sleep.


          Jin came to Taehyung and literally dragged him into his room. "What happened? Why was everything canceled?" Taehyung asked. "Those two suitors happened to be thieves and as I went to the guard, a whole silvering was missing so they canceled the party and searched everyone." . "Wait. So they could kidnap me?!" Taehyung panicked a little. "Yes. But they didn't. Anndd... How was your date?" Jin teased Tae as Tae blushed a little. "He's just... ah!" Tae answered as he bumped backwards on his bed. "Do you know anything more about him than just ah?" butler smiled. "No. Not really. Only that his lips are soft as clouds, and sweet like candy." Tae answered. Jin laughed a little as he went to get more blankets for his master. "But, he did mention his name. He said that if I tell it to anyone, I'll put his life in threatening danger, so you must not tell it to ANYONE. Understood?." Tae pointed to Jin. "Yes. Of course not!" Jin answered as he sat next to Tae as Tae explained what happened.

           At the end Jin thought a little "Hmm... Jeongguk. This sounds familiar to me.". "But it doesn't to me at all. Is he maybe someone from those suitors that you looked up?" Tae suggested as Jin took a stack of papers out of the closet and looked thru them. "No. No Jeongguk here." . Suddenly Jin's face lightens up. He hurried to another side of the room and took a little black book in his hands. He turned couple of pages and than brought it to Tae. "Jeon! Jeon Jeongguk! This is the name of Mr. Jeon's only son!" . "No. This must be a mistake. I couldn't fall in love with arch enemy's son." Tae panicked a little. "Calm down. Maybe it's not him. Maybe it's just someone with the same name. Guys from everywhere came to this ball." Jin tried to think of other reasons. "Yes. Maybe you are right. I'll just ask him tomorrow. He must tell me the truth." Tae lied down as he looked at Jin again "But what if he is? What am I supposed to do then?" . "Sir, follow your heart. It will tell you what to do." Jin smiled and turned out the light. Tae couldn't sleep well that night. He was very nervous and scared of the next day.

            In the morning sun shined thru the curtains and woke Taehyung up. Second after that Jin just burst in his room "Sir, sir!". Taehyung, still little sleepy looked at his butler "What?" . "One of your suitors came to ask your parents for your hand and your parents invited him to have breakfast with all of you." . "They did what?!" Taehyung was awake in a second. He hurried to get dressed as he ran downstairs just too really find his parents in the dining room with some guy and his butler. He entered the room slowly as his mother smiley stood up and walked to him "Good morning, sweetie! Slept well?" and hugged him. Tae awkwardly smiled, hugged her back as he nodded. Then his look escaped to this guy.

            "Good morning, son. This is Gionmi. He came to see you." Father introduced their guest as Gionmi stood up and bowed at Taehyung's way. "We couldn't get any alone time last night, so I came to steal some of your time before tonight's dance." . "Very nice of you. You can be on our grounds. Taehyung, show him our gardens." Father smiled as Tae slowly nodded and they left the room. Butlers were following them.

            "I don't remember meeting you last night." Taehyung started as Gionmi smiled back while walking thru their gardens. "I was at the back, while others jumped around you. I couldn't even get to you." . "And why was that? If you wanted, you could. No one was stopping you anyway." Tae teased, as he didn't like Gionmi's ego. Gionmi didn't know what to actually comment back so they walked in silence for couple of minutes as he finally broke it off. He stood in front of Tae and took his hand in his. "I won't beat around the corners and I will just tell you straight on. I like you very much. And as your fathers approves, I'm asking your hand in marriage.". Tae lost his breath as he didn't knew what to politely comment back. Jin saw his distress and interrupted him "Sir, I'm sorry for interrupting, but you have to attend piano lessons in 10 minutes." . Tae snapped out of the trans as he removed his hands out of Gionmi's and looked to the ground "Oh, yes. Thank you. Amm... Can I let you know about my answer? I have to think about it." Tae looked at Gionmi and started to slowly back away. "Yes. Sure. I'll meet you at the party tonight." Gionmi smiled and left their grounds.

           Taehyung practically run into the mansion and to his room. "Sir, are you ok?" Jin came to him after couple of minutes. "How could my father do this? He's an egoistic jerk." Tae cried out as Jin hold him for his shoulder. "That's not all." . "What else?" Tae sobbed. "As I went after you, I overheard his conversation with his butler. He told him that he is in. In a month he will take over your business and you will not be able to do anything, because your father will make him in charge of everything." . Tae lost his breath yet again in the same day. He looked at the ground and whispered "What is in me, that that do not happen? Father won't listen to me. I don't have any prove of it.". "You can meet him tonight and get more information." Jin suggested. "I planned to meet Jeongguk tonight. As soon as possible. But in this situation, Gionmi must not see me with him. Oh, Jin... how can I see this thru?" Tae holds his head in his hands as another tear rolled down. "We will think something out." Jin hugged him.

TaeKook: Romeo and Juliet a little different (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now