Chapter four: marzipn city battle

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"schnitzel get the watermelon canons" said mung daal. "Rada rada" said schnitzel as he shoots one. The melon hits nightmare moon straight in the face but doesn't effect her. "Your canons are weak compared to me" said nightmare moon as she uses her magic to throw schnitzel into the wall. Mung daal takes out his ketchup gun and shoots nightmare moon. "Are you kidding me, a ketchup gun" said nightmare moon as she punches mung daal straight in the face. "Are you sure this is the right place" said nightmare moon. "Yes this is it" said twilight quietly. "You better not be lying or your friend will get hurt again" said nightmare moon as she looks around. Suddenly chowder crashes threw the kitchen flying straight into nightmare moon. "Welp that was easy" said chowder. Nightmare moon suddenly picks up the whole jet and slams it upside down. Chowder falls out bruised up. "Chowder are you okay" asked twilight. "Y-Yeah I'm fine" said chowder. Nightmare moon looks on top of the oven and notices something purple glowing. "Haha what do we have here" said nightmare moon as she walks to the oven. Suddenly schnitzel throws a 200 pound weight at nightmare moon. Nightmare moon stops the weight mid air and throws it back to schnitzel hitting him on the stomach. schnitzel falls to the ground out of air. Nightmare moon grabs twilights element and makes it back into a rhombus shape. "Oh no" said chowder trying to get back up. Nightmare moon puts the element on her golden horse shoe. "I don't need you anymore twilight, I know where the rest are" said nightmare moon as she teleports away. Twilight runs up to Chowder checking on him. "Are you alright" asked twilight. "Yeah I'm fine now" said chowder. schnitzel gets back up with an angry face. "schnitzel are you okay" asked chowder. "Rada Rada" said schnitzel. "What did he say" asked twilight. "Let's go kick some ass" said chowder. "Where are the other protectors" asked twilight. "On there way to Equestria" said chowder. "There's no time to waste" said twilight as she forms a bubble around her, chowder and schnitzel. "This flight might take awhile so relax as much as you need too" said twilight as the bubble goes airborne.

In Equestria the protectors arrive at celestia's castle. "Hey Princess we need your help" said applejack. "What's wrong" asked celestia as she drinks tea. "Nightmare moon is back and is wanting to collect all six of the elements of harmony to wipeout half the universe" said applejack. Celestia spits out her tea in shock. "I always hope this day will never come" said celestia. "That's why me and my friends are here to stop nightmare moon" said applejack. Celestia looks up and sees the protectors. "Applejack you never told me we have guest" said celestia with a smile. "Yep these are my friends, the protectors" said applejack with a smile. "Welcome protectors make yourself at home at my castle" said celestia. Later that night Finn and Jake where sitting outside looking at the stars. "I wonder what's happening in ooo right now" said Finn looking up. "I can tell you" said a voice from Finn's backpack. Finn opens his bag revealing princess bubblegum on the phone. "What's up PB" asked Finn. "Nothing good, the kingdom is getting attacked by nightmare moon" said princess bubble gum. "How do you know who that is" asked Finn. "Because ice king took me to her when he got rainbow dashes element" said princess bubblegum. "Me and Jake will be there soon don't worry" said Finn as he gets up. "I'm coming too" said rainbow dash. "Me three" said espeon. "Thank you, I will need you twos help" said Finn as he walks out the door. "Hey Finn go to the Equestrian space center, celestia already knows about us going" said rainbow dash as she smiles. "Good we need to get there fast" said Finn as he starts running. "Wait up dude" said Jake. Espeon and rainbow dash follow right behind.

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