14- "i hate it"

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Three weeks later

Mali had flown in from excitement of the news of us adopting, her and Payton get along great- it's almost like she was exactly what Payton needed to completely break out of her shell

To completely be happy.

Mali and her went shopping
They went and ate
They stayed home and watched movies

They did everything fun while the four of us were stuck at the hospital, working.


"Let's go swim" Mali spoke in the middle of the movie.

"I don't swim" I spoke slowly, seeing her shoot a look to me.

"You live in California-" "I'm from Tennessee" I spoke with a smile.

She rolled her eyes
"Come on- twenty minutes-" "I'll literally drown, I swam once when I was a kid and that was like eleven years ago" I spoke.

"I can teach you" she spoke

The offer was nice- and honestly, I wanted to

But swimsuits and my scar was two things that didn't clash.

"I'll watch you, but I don't want to" I spoke, hearing her groan.

"Fine miss boring pants, what do you want to do?" She asked with a smile.

"Let's make bracelets."

We sat on the floor of the living room, beads scattered around us, carefully putting them onto string, making bracelets.

"Do you miss the orphanage?" She asked slowly, as if not sure whether she should ask or not.

"I think I miss the people a little, other than that- no" I spoke swiftly, seeing her nod slowly.

"What's it like?" She asked me.

"I hate it" I laughed out lightly before shrugging.

"You're living in a house with a ass ton of strangers, you do all of their basic cleaning for them, if they have kids, you take care of their kids- you're basically a non-paid maid, or atleast that's how all of my foster homes were" I sighed lightly.

"Are you going to let Calum adopt you?" She asked me slowly, making me slowly look to her.

"I-uh" I paused.

"I don't know" I spoke quietly.

"I wouldn't want him to, because it's so expensive and he'd be stuck with me for the rest of his life" I tried to laugh it off, but in reality I was dead serious.

"But yet- it'd be nice to have a family again" I shrugged lightly.

"You do realize Calum is loaded with money, right?" She laughed lightly, making me smile- but I didn't say anything.

"And you may not be able to tell yet, but I know my brother"

"And he'd be ecstatic to have you as a daughter for the rest of his life"

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