5- "its over"

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Within minutes of the pushing the recliner, getting comfortable and plugging up my phone, I looked to her- seeing that she was barley awake, her body facing towards me, struggling to keep her eyes opened.

"No one makes it in" I spoke, seeing the slightest nod before her eyes shut.

Thankfully, she gave into the medicine- allowing it to put her into a deep sleep.

It took me several minutes, but I was able to slowly fall asleep with her.

I woke up around one in the morning to my phone vibrating, and I quickly pulled it away from my chest- reading the notification


     I'm going to assume you stayed at the hospital?

I typed a simple response:
      I couldn't leave her here alone.

I looked to her, seeing chill bumps on her arm.

I was cold myself so I silently went to the closet, grabbing extra blankets.

I carefully threw one over her, making sure it covered before cuddling up with my own.

I drifted back to sleep- and it felt like five minutes before I woke again.

I checked my phone- seeing that it was four in the morning.

I looked to Payton, seeing her eyebrows scrunched in her sleep.

I laughed lightly, watching her expression relax, I couldn't help but find myself wondering what she was dreaming about.

Just as I closed my eyes again- feeling my body relax, I heard a gasp- making me immediately open my eyes again.

She was now sitting straight up- a purely panicked look on her face.

"It was a nightmare" I quickly spoke, not wanting to move too suddenly- knowing this had to have been a terrifying moment.

Her hands went to her head- and I could see her holding her cries in.

I moved to her, putting my hand on her back before sinking beside her.

"Why spud he do it" she cried out, her arms hugging herself into me.

She needed someone to cry on.

She wanted someone to protect her.

I held her back- not hesitating for a second.

"He's a horrible human being, I'm so sorry that you had to go through that" I closed my eyes into her.

"He wouldn't stop." She cried into my chest, her cries muffled through my hoodie fabric.

I ran my fingers through her hair, trying to keep her as relaxed as possible.

"It's over." I reminded her.

I could feel her shaking as I held her, which just made me hold her tighter.

By the time she stopped crying- I could see the sun peaking through the curtains

I laid fully in bed with her, the blanket over both of us, her hands holding the fabric of my hoodie, my arms completely holding her.

She hiccuped lightly- but thankfully her heart rate was back to normal.

I had turned on the tv to distract her more, Frozen was playing, and we both zoned into it.

Soon Ashton appeared- stopping at the chair.

"Good morning" he smiled, looking to the two of us.

"Nightmares" I spoke, seeing him nod lightly.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" He asked.

She gave a small nod, her eyes moving to him.

"Well today is going to be a long day, we have to figure out some background information on you, because you have absolutely no chart information." He spoke.

"None?" I questioned.

"We have a recorded birth in Nashville, Tennessee and nothing after that." He spoke, us both looking to her.

"We didn't go to the doctor" she dismissed it, like it was no big deal.

"You never got sick?"

"No, I did- my dad was one of those nurses that could prescribe medicines, so he would just diagnose and her medicine, no need for a doctor visit." She spoke.

That was so fucking dangerous.

Especially since the number one rule is to never treat blood relatives.

"So you got shots- just not recorded?" Ashton questioned.

Her face dropped completely.

"My mom was one of those 'no vaccination' people- my social worker agreed to keep that for her sake" she spoke, almost ashamed.

"Okay- that's understandable" Ashton spoke hesitantly.

"Eventually, you'll need to get these shots, but we'll move just one inch at a time" he nodded.

"Today my friend, Luke is going to come and talk to you- he's a therapist and psychologist- he's going to just talk to you about everything that happened-" a nurse knocked, interrupting Ashton.

Ashton looked, us all seeing two policemen.

"They are here to collect a statement from the doctor and victim"

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