4- "pinky promise"

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"Why don't you want to sleep, sunshine" Ashton asked her, us both looking hopeful for an answer.

She shrugged- but we both knew that she had a reasoning.

"Look, how about we give you just the right amount to where you'll sleep for a few hours-" "I don't want to go to sleep here, alone"

She was scared.

"You're not alone" Ashton spoke.

"There's so many people in this hospital that are here to help you-" "but I don't trust them" I saw the tears welling in her eyes.

I exhaled, looking to her young, bruised face- seeing so much vulnerability that she was trying so hard to hide

"You won't feel good unless we give you some
medicine to relax you, Payton" I exhaled slowly.

"Give me the minimum"

We were able to agree on that.

I have her slightly over minimum, enough to where she would fall asleep.

"Are you comfortable, need anything before we go?" I questioned, seeing her eyes moving to me.

"He can't come here- right?"

"I can promise you, he wouldn't make it one foot in that door"

I pushed a few strands of hair behind her ear.

"We will see you in the morning, this is the tv remote- this is the button you push if you need anything at all, sound good?" I questioned, seeing her nod lightly.

I squeezed her shoulder, Ashton patted her knee lightly.

"Feeling okay?" He asked.

"Yeah- I'm good" She put a fake smile on, and we promised we would be back in a few hours before we left.

Ashton and I met with Michael and Luke in my office, groaning at the long ass day it's been

I felt like shit.

I showered in the lounge before changing, walking out to meet the guys.
I threw my bag onto my back, following them out the door.

I had a gut feeling- and it made me stop.

"Hey guys- I'll Uber home, I have some paper work I need to finish." I spoke, seeing all three turn- eyebrows scrunched together.

"You never are behind on paperwork-" "it's been a long day, I'll text you guys- I promise" I nodded to them, earning their nods back before they left

I walked to her room, pushing the door open- knowing the medicine should've knocked her out by now.

But there she sat- straight up, her eyes forced open- bloodshot. She was clearly fighting her sleep.

"Sweetheart" I exhaled, dropping my bad and moving to her.

"I can't go through it again" a tear fell down her cheek- she looked more than exhausted.

I wiped it for her, sitting with her.

"Let's make a deal" I spoke.

"I'm going to move that recliner in front of the doorway, and stay with you all night, I'll promise you that no one will get into this room unless I allow it as long as you promise me that you'll sleep." I spoke.

"You should go home- you have a family-" "my family lives in Australia, I go home to a house with three guys my age- I have nothing else to do." I spoke, watching her scan my eyes- looking for lies.

"Promise me that you'll sleep?" She questioned.

I stuck my pinky out, seeing her eyes go to it

For the first time the smallest real smile came onto her face- revealing beautiful dimples, that I didn't even know she had.

"Pinky promise"

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