8- "stay"

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The three of us stayed with her majority of the day.

We would take turns to make our rounds- checking on other patients

We didn't want her to be alone unless she asked us to be alone.

I walked in after lunch- which was visiting hours, and I saw a lady sitting in the chair beside her bed.

Payton's eyes were puffy and red- her cheeks also red, which told me she was either about to cry or had been crying.

No Ashton or Luke.

"Dr.Hood" I hesitantly shook her hand, seeing a smile.

"Stephanie- her foster mom"

I shot my head towards Payton- noticing that she was now wearing one of Ashton's shirts.

"I know- it's weird that I'm here, and I know you're probably concerned- but my husbands actions should not be reflected onto me, I just came to check on my girl" she spoke, making me nod.

"Yeah- I get it.  As long as Payton is okay with it, I'm okay with it" I nodded out.

"Do you want privacy?" I mumbled to Payton, putting my hand through her hand gently.

"Stay" She barely mumbled back, which made me immediately sit beside her knees.

Her heart rate was elevated- she was nervous.

"Did you have nightmares?" She asked Payton.

Payton nodded lightly.

"I did too" she mumbled out

"Dreams of walking in the door and seeing you bleeding- knowing exactly what happened"

"Rick always talked so well about you, you were his favorite foster daughter- he barely liked any of the other kids, I should've seen this coming" She exhaled into her hands as she covered her face.

"Dr.Hood- how is she- is she okay?"

I felt more than uncomfortable- I just got bad vibes all the way around.

"We don't share patient information-" "I'm her foster mom- I have the right"

That immediately pissed me off, and I laughed lightly

"You're not" Payton spoke for me- the first thing I've heard her say to her.

"W-what, Payton?"

"Payton was molested in your household- you no longer hold custody, temporary custody was given to the hospital and her doctors until she's stable enough to go to a home." I informed the lady of the facts that I knew she was already informed.

"But he's going to jail-" "it doesn't matter" Payton breathed out.


Her voice cracked

"I don't want to step foot into your house ever again- I don't even want to walk past it."

"It hurts to even look at you right now- and I know it's not your fault, but you married a sick man, and the way you talk- you saw signs of this coming." A tear slipped down her cheek.

"Payton I didn't-"

"I'm tired-" "visiting hours are over anyway" I lied, standing.

"Please escort your way out"

I watched closely as she grabbed her bags, walking to the door

"So you're just leaving us all? For some doctors?"

"You left me with a rapist to go but party supplies- what I'm doing isn't anything compared to that."

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