3- "a sixteen year old"

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As the exam started, I held her hands- the longer the exam lasted, the less she could hold her tears, and the more I held her.

I was soon completely in the bed with her, holding her sobbing body, her hands squeezing my scrubs- but she never fought us

It was so much in one day for a sixteen year old to go through, but yet she never pushed us away- it's like she knew we had no choice in what we did.

"Okay sweetheart, we're done" Ashton spoke.

A nurse stayed with her as Ashton and I gave her a minute with just a girl- she needed that.

"I had to stitch tissue- he tore so much fucking tissue." Ashton spoke- it was more than clear to me that this was bothering him.

"A sixteen year old-" "she had to have been in so much fucking pain- there was so much fucking tore tissue, there's no way he did any foreplay- it had to have fucking killed her." He spoke, putting his hands over his face.

"And she has no one to go home to- no one to comfort her through all of this." I spoke- seeing him nod.

"It makes me want to kill him-" a man appeared as I spoke.

"I'm Payton's social worker- I was informed that she was injured by her foster dad"

Her fucking foster dad.

The one man she trusted enough to live with.

Ashton nodded- us both taking a moment to compose ourselves.

"She was raped- she's pretty beat up, she's currently with our nurse changing and cleaning up." I spoke slowly- seeing the color drain from his face.

"Rape?" He spoke.

We both nodded
"It's bad- she's got stitches- he tore a lot of tissue, she won't be back on her feet for a month- maybe even two." Ashton shook his head, still bothered- we all were.

It took the man a second to compose himself.

"How long will she need to stay in the hospital?" He asked.

Ashton and I looked at each other.

"I want her for at least a week- she needs therapy, she needs counseling- it's going to be hard on her body emotionally and physically." Ashton spoke.

"I- I have no foster homes available for her." His voice cracked- him seeming upset for her.

"And her being raped and needing medical attention- her chances of being adopted are even lower- Jesus Christ"

"Listen" I spoke, looking to Ashton for a glance of approval.

"I'm sure we can find a place to keep her- she's a sweet kid and we realize that she needs people right now- we can give her that." I spoke, Ashton nodding firmly in agreement.

"Thank you- so fucking much, can I see her tonight?" He questioned.

Technically- visitation hours were over, but I knew that she wouldn't mind seeing someone she at least knew, so I said yes.

Once our nurse returned, telling us she was okay, we brought him in.

He immediately gasped- catching Payton's attention.

"Jesus- Christ" he spoke out, moving closer.

"I told you I didn't like him" her voice barely spoke.

"Payton- you gave no indication that this would happen-" "I didn't know it would happen- but I begged you to get me out of there" she cried.

"No one wanted you-" "yeah- I fucking know Mason- no one ever fucking wants me" I watched her heart monitor elevating.

Maybe this wasn't a great idea.

"You didn't tell me he was molesting you-" "do you think I fucking knew?!" She now choked out sobs, and I started stepping in slowly.

I put my hand on her shoulder, trying to hint to her to relax, but that certainly didn't work

"I can't read your fucking mind, Payton" he spoke.

"I think it's time you leave" I spoke before Payton could.

"Agreed, you can come visit tomorrow, with a different demeanor." Ashton declared.

Thankfully, he didn't argue- he left immediately, making me look to Payton, who was wiping her tears quickly.

I rubbed her shoulder gently, sitting beside her knee.

"Give her a relaxer" Ashton suggested- we all knew she needed sleep, but we knew she wouldn't be voluntarily getting any.

"Will it make me tired?" She asked- as if reading our minds

"Yes, but you'll wake up in the morning-" "I don't want to fall asleep."

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