7- "i hated her"

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Seconds later the police and Ashton returned.

A female officer stepped forward, sitting in a chair beside the bed.

"Is it okay if we ask you a few questions?"

Payton gave them a brave nod, she put on the bravest face she could find.

I put my arm over her shoulder- feeling her immediately give into my hold, leaning her weight against me.

"A few years ago you lost both of your parents in a car accident, correct?"

Luke immediately grabbed her hand- a moment of comfort to where he could also check her pulse.

"What does that have to do with any-" "we're simply getting background information to make sure all the stories add up."

She gave a hesitant nod.

"Your mom was pregnant, correct?"

"Yes, seven months"

My heart broke more and more for this kid.

"You were thirteen?"


"How long were you hospitalized before we were brought to your first home?"

She cleared her throat.

"Like- four weeks"

Why was there no chart information on her?

"What was your injuries?"

"Just burns- one of the nurses kept me longer for a female support"

The officer nodded.

"You were in how many homes before you went to Mr.Rick?"


"You and Mr.Rick got along everyday?"

"I mean- he would fuss sometimes, but that's what most adults do" she shrugged.

"What's the biggest thing he would fuss about?"

She was asking very unnecessary questions.

"Like- wanting a cat and then not taking care of it" she shrugged out.

"Had Rick touched you in any way to suggest he may have been attracted to you?"

"No, never"

"Did you ask him to stop?"

"More than once."

"What would he say back?"

"Nothing, he would just move faster."

"When it was over, what did he do?"

"He pulled up his pants and walked away."

"He left you there?"


"What did you do?"

"I laid there and I cried my eyes out."

"Well" the cop breathed out.

"Especially due to Dr.Irwin's medical report- all evidence points to a firm yes."

"You will need to appear in court soon- the judge will mail you a letter for when you're due, you'll need to get a lawyer" she spoke- in no way helping the kid.

"I wish you the best of luck, sweetheart"

She left the room, Payton looked to Luke and I.

"I hated her"

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