XIII | 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐸𝑛𝑒𝑚𝑦 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛

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"I'd had an extra-large fizzy drink, give me a break!" You whined at Ginnie from your hospital bed. She stuck her tongue out at you in response, making everyone in the room laugh at both of your childish antics.

Your best friend was in the middle of telling the story of the time that you peed yourself while waiting in line for a One Direction concert. In your defense, it was very cold that day and you had held it in for two hours before your bladder finally exploded.

It was nice, albeit somewhat embarrassing, to have your close friends and family around when you needed them most. Just five hours earlier you had been brought into Chelsea and Westminster Hospital by ambulance after falling down the stairs at Archie's flat.

You were relieved when the doctors told you the injuries didn't require surgery, but you did severely fracture your left tibia and fibula. You were going to have to wear a cast on your left leg for at least three months.

In addition to having fractured two bones, you also suffered a concussion. The doctors confirmed this by testing your coordination and asking you a series of questions regarding the incident, none of which you could answer. The last thing you could remember was getting dropped off at Archie's flat by the Uber. Though the A&E doctors assured you that "post-traumatic short term amnesia" was rarely permanent.

"I should get going. I'll call you first thing tomorrow, love" Archie said. There was a look of anguish on his face as he walked over and wrapped his arms around you in an affectionate hug. "Again, I am so sorry Y/N".

Apparently, you had tripped over the ridiculously long shoelaces of your converse as you went down the stairs. He tried to warn you when he noticed they were untied, but it was too late. He felt responsible for the accident and you didn't like that at all. Had it not been for him you would have no knowledge of what happened.

"Poor thing, this wasn't your fault. It was his!" Your mother said, pointing to your father. "If you hadn't allowed her to disobey me and dress like a boy growing up, this would have never happened."

"Have you gone mad, woman? I think the chemicals from your hair dye have started to seep into that horrid brain of yours!" Your father retaliated.

"At least I have hair. I'd say more, but I am sure there'd be hell toupee." This prompted a back and forth shouting match between the two, as you lowered your head in embarrassment.

"Enough!" Tom eventually shouted, causing the arguing to stop. "You have ruined dinners, parties, and even our one year anniversary with your arguing, but it stops here. My girlfriend's broken bones are more serious than your broken marriage and if you can't understand that, then leave."

Setting aside that Tom didn't know the difference between fractured and broken bones, you were impressed with how he stood up to your parents. He said what you and Zach had kept to yourselves your entire lives. Your parents simply lowered their heads in shame.

You, on the other hand, turned your attention back to Archie. "I'm alright, just have to put up with this annoying cast on my leg for a few months. Don't blame yourself, I should be more careful."

"You should" He whispered rather ominously in your ear. He then gave you a kiss on the cheek and went on his way.

Soon after, everyone was asked to leave because visiting hours had ended. Tom, being the rascal he always was, only pretended to leave before waiting a few minutes and sneaking back into the room through a window. It was convenient that you were on the first level.

"Alone at last" He smirked, closing the window he had just come in through.

"We're gonna get in trouble if the nurse finds you in here, and she's kind of mean" You giggled as you made room for him.

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