IV | 𝐵𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝐹𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑠

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⊱ ────── ๑♡๑ ────── ⊰

You plopped onto Ginnie's couch and let out a sigh of utter exhaustion as you put the cell phone that you had been talking into for about an hour and a half straight, face down on the coffee table.

"Can you believe this guy left his wallet?" Ginnie groaned as she walked out of her bedroom and into the living room, "now he's gonna have to come back."

"Don't you hate when you have to see a one night stand so soon after?", you teased.

"Oh, you're finally off your phone. Make all the necessary calls?"

"Yeah, I think. At least I hope so."

It was only 10 o'clock in the morning and social media was already having a field day with the picture of you and Tom at the airport, and even more so with Tom's Instagram post. Your dad called you worried that the two of you had gotten back together, he liked Tom but he still wasn't over what Tom did to you.

You then received a FaceTime call from Clara who took time out of her busy morning in the bakery to check in on you and, like your dad, know the facts. She was disappointed that you and Tom weren't actually back together as she was a hopeless romantic and always thought Tom would win you back with a huge gesture or display of affection, oh the French.

A plethora of rumors were instantly swirling around, one from the Daily Mail stated that you moved back to London to be with Tom, another said you were eloping, and the most outrageous one you had seen, from Radar Online, insinuated you were pregnant with his child. If you weren't so stressed out over this whole ordeal you might have found the hysteria amusing.

"I heard you talking to Archie, what did he say?" Ginnie asked as she sat next to you on the couch.

"He talked to Tom's people and their gonna have him take it down and give some sort of explanation I guess," you said with a sigh as you nervously ran your hands through your long (Y/H/C) hair.

"See I told you, it's no big deal," she said trying to calm you down. "By the way, I ordered our breakfast while you were making your many phone calls, it should be here in a bit."

"Thanks Ginnie," you said wrapping your arms around her, "I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Crawl in a hole and die," she laughed and you nudged her on her side with your elbow.

"Sorry we're not going out to eat, I just don't want to deal with Tom's fans or the press right now."

"Don't apologize, besides, Uber Eats and Netflix at home with my bestie sounds pretty good to me."

You knew it wasn't a good idea, but in between phone calls, you had read the comments under Tom's post and they were getting to you. Tom's fans could be vicious, something you experienced when the two of you dated two years ago and something you never thought you'd experience again.

"Oh babe, don't cry," Ginnie said noticing you tear up, she hugged you and you instantly let all of your emotions out.

"I-I've worked so hard to get to where I am and who I've become...and for him to ruin that...I-I hate him."

"Correction" Ginnie said making you look up at her, "I hate him, you love him."

"What-What are you on about?"

"You think I didn't see you constantly stalking Tom's Instagram on the drive here? And weren't you going to block him again right away? Hmm..."

"It's not-" you had begun to fight back but then you stopped yourself, "I can't just shut off my feelings for him...he's the only guy I've ever been in love with."

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