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(Y/N)'s POV

My legs hung off of the side of the little bridge, my head still resting on Harry's shoulder, as I took a deep breath and prepared myself to revisit the past. A past I purposely wanted to forget, but being back in London, I knew that wasn't an option.

The memories came flooding back as I started to tell Harry everything, starting all the way back to the fight Tom and I had the week of the premiere of Captain America: Civil War. It was the beginning of the end of our relationship.


It was the week of the world premiere of "Captain America: Civil War" in L.A., which Tom had been super excited about attending because it was his debut as Spider-Man, a role he had wanted for as long as I had known him and even longer.

He was upset with me because I stayed in London and didn't go to the premiere with him. I felt bad, I really did, but the very same night was Harry's first photography exhibit in London where he was going to be displaying his portfolio, of which I was a large part of, since I was his muse of some sort.

What didn't help matters was the fact that Tom had always been jealous and slightly insecure when it came to my friendship with Harry. Harry and I had known each other much longer than Tom and I had, and we were extremely close. Tom was convinced his brother was in love with me and was trying to put a wedge between us.

That night of the premiere he left Los Angeles and took the first flight to London and arrived at my house in the early afternoon the next day, accusing me of cheating on him with Harry and showing a picture Harry had posted on Instagram of us hugging at the exhibit as "proof."

"I swear to God Tommy, I would never do that to you. Harry and I are only friends," I insisted, though he didn't believe me one bit.

"What does he have that I don't? What, huh?!", he shouted, as he paced back and forth in my bedroom.

"Nothing. You are everything I want and more," I said to him as I pathetically threw myself at him, hoping he would believe me.

This wasn't the Tom I had fallen in love with, the Tom who whose silly laugh made my heart skip a beat, the Tom who couldn't pronounce croissant, the Tom that I had dreamed of one day marrying. But I still loved him, I humiliated myself in that moment and got to my knees begging him to believe me.

"I want to believe you (Y/N), I really do, but you have to promise me you won't hang out with Harry alone anymore."

"Tom, I love you, but there is no point in us having a relationship if you don't trust me."

"So this is what it's come to?", he asked with tears trickling down his cheeks, "if it's him or me, you choose him?"

"I'm not going to choose Tommy...and Harry isn't asking me to, only you are."

"I-I've gotta clear my head and have a proper think before we can have this conversation," he said to me before placing a gentle kiss on my lips and leaving my house. It would be the last kiss we ever shared.

It hurt me so badly that he thought so little of me, to think that I would betray him, let alone with his own brother. I had sacrificed so much for Tom, just a few days before I had turned down an offer Archie had gotten me to be the face for this up and coming designing house in Paris. The offer was incredible and would surely jump start my modelling career but it meant I would be away from Tom for months and I couldn't do that, to him or myself. Yet, he still doubted me.

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