♪7 • Let's Get Hitched♪

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Crowley X Aziraphale

Requested by Bizawagi

The shoe fit, so this is also a second part to ♪5♪. Enjoy!

It wouldn't be a shock if Crowley needed days to sleep off the alcohol. He had drank an entire bottle of Pinot Noir on his own in a few solid hours. A good clue to the time was the fact that Aziraphale eventually turned to sleeping to pass the time for himself. But the shop needed to be opened, so who knows how long Crowley was out for?

Well, whenever Crowley finally awoke, he was greeted first by a very strong pounding in his skull. He was sure Hastur got in there and was actively knocking down pieces of his skull, all while lighting his brain on fire. It was a shame he wasn't.

"Never going to drink an entire bottle of mine again, are you?"

"Angel, please, no shouting," Crowley replied with a scrunched nose as he sat up slowly.

"I'll make tea." Aziraphale shot up from the sofa and stormed directly out of the room. Despite the things he did for the demon, he didn't seem happy to do it.

Crowley set for a few moments, dwelling on the angel's demeanor. What happened? What was the problem?

It suddenly hit him, why the angel was so fussy. How could it be more obvious? The call yesterday! Oh, the call. Forget the tea. Crowley needed to get himself together for Aziraphale.

He snapped his fingers to miracle that hangover away. He then frantically searched for his sunglasses, finding them neatly placed on the arm of the sofa. Thank you, Aziraphale. He buttoned his Blazer in the middle, miracling away any and all creases. He then pulled it from his pocket.

Aziraphale came back into the room, a tray for tea and biscuits in his hands. Before either of them knew it, the tray was clattering on the floor, biscuits scattered and soaked in a puddle of tea.

Crowley was looking very snappy, down on one knee. A beautiful silver diamond ring in his hands.

"I don't remember much from when I was drunk, but I do remember you asking why I was here. And you have every right to be mad. We were silent for a year, I hung up on you, I barged right in uninvited, I drank all of your wine.

"But Angel, this is why I came. It's just you, and me, and Earth. Now that we don't have to deal with our respective sides, we can be together. For Eternity.

"Aziraphale, protector of the Apple Tree, God's most genuine angel, I love you.

"Will you marry me?"

This left Aziraphale utterly speechless. What was he to say? Well, aside from "yes," of course. It was just so unexpected, especially after the fake-out from when Crowley was still drunk.

"You meant it when you said you loved me?" Aziraphale practically breathed the question out.

Crowley barely remembered doing that. If he did, he only remembered very small moments. "Yes," he replied with a small nod.

"Then why pretend-"

"Oh, just say yes, angel," Crowley interrupted him, still remaining in his position as he gazed lovingly at him. He did a lot of very stupid things he could never in a million years give anyone a good, solid reason for. Aziraphale knew that better than anyone, so no need to dwell.

The angel's stance went from the stiff questioning to a much more warm one. He carefully stepped over and around the tea on the floor, towards Crowley. Once in front of the demon, he removed his sunglasses and smiled lovingly. "Yes, Anthony J. Crowley. I will marry you."

The demon grinned with excitement, the angel following suit, and he stood up to give Aziraphale a really tight and warm hug. Neither of the two would ever speak of this, but they both cried as well. Silent tears and hidden sniffles. They both could tell the other was crying. They knew it was a joyous love.

Months passed and the two spent every waking day together. Aziraphale's ring was a perfect fit, and so was Crowley's band he received at the wedding.

The two had worked together to decide on the details of the wedding. Aziraphale wanted a traditional white wedding in a church. Of course, that wouldn't do with a demon involved. But Crowley did like the idea of crashing his own wedding with a motorcycle to take Aziraphale away for himself. Oh, the compromises they would have to work out.

After a few months, the day arrived. The wedding. It wasn't incredibly huge, and it was hardly traditional. Crowley and Aziraphale both wore something they were comfortable with, though they kept it formal.

The location they held it at was actually Anathema's idea. The exact spot in the road they hit her with the Bentley. Crowley grinned at the thought of causing a traffic jam, getting to proceed with his antics. Alas, Aziraphale worked hard to make sure a detour would be routed for the road.

Aziraphale had made a compilation of Beatles love songs for the party. "Under no circumstances will this go into the Bentley," Aziraphale would demand as he flashed the CD to Crowley. The threatening tone he had was enough to make the demon agree. Crowley had been sweet enough to surprise Aziraphale by playing Hey Jude on the grand piano they had there, since it so conveniently fit the musical theme.

The food spread was quite abundant. There were foods Aziraphale loved the most, including sushi and crêpes, desserts Crowley personally enjoyed, wine taps, and of course juice taps for the children.

As for the ceremony, which came after the party, that was where things became incredibly different from tradition. Firstly, there was no priest. There was no aligned seating, and it was hardly a ceremony. Crowley had disappeared from the party and the music was stopped. A siren sounded and the crowd of guests cleared a path as Crowley strolled through on a pristine white horse to his future husband.

"Come on up, Angel. This is our life now."

Crowley grabbed Aziraphale's hand and helped him get up onto the back of the horse. Aziraphale then wrapped his arms around the demon's waist and rested his chin on his shoulder.

"Bye guys!" Crowley called to the crowd. "The next time you see us, we'll be a family." He then grinned and let out a "hyah!" as he whipped the reins and the horse started to gallop away.

"Thank you for this," Aziraphale mumbled into Crowley's ear.

"You're welcome, my ineffable husband."

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