It Takes Two #2

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A/N: I'm back! And I have a nice new cover, which I made, for the story :) Enjoy!

"Y-you're pregnant?" Fear filled your body as you watched Jake's eyes fill with tears. 

"Oh my god-" His last words turned into a whisper as he picked you up and embraced you whilst he cried happy tears into your shoulder. You let a few more out too. 

Jake finally placed you back down and started placing kisses up and down your abdomen. You laughed in relief at his action; it made you excited to know he was excited. 

"I love you so much," He told both you and your unborn baby

"I love you so much too," You replied. 


4 months full of sickness and cravings passed you by and your bump was beginning to show; Jake had been nothing but wonderful to you but you still had to reassure him every now and then how good of a father he would be. You woke up during the night feeling a craving for cereal and sauntered your way to your kitchen; you tried your hardest to make a bowl of cereal without disturbing your husband but it didn't work, Jake stumbled out of your room with messy hair and dribble leaving his mouth, you couldn't help but laugh. 

"Y/n, I love you but what the hell are you doing it's 2am?" You felt guilty instantly.

"I'm so sorry babe I had a huge craving for cereal," You turned to him and gave him a real look of guilt and apology, he couldn't help but smile at you. 

"Babe, don't be sorry - go back to bed and I'll bring it to you and we can watch Tv," he walked up to you and softly brushed his lips against yours; you leaned in further and shared a loving kiss with your husband.  

You snuggled back in bed when you felt your baby kicking you for the first time; it was a magical moment and you instantly wanted to share it with Jake. 

"Babe! She's demanding that she has her cereal - she's kicking for the first time!" You proudly shouted that your daughter, whom sex you found out a couple weeks ago, was kicking. 

Jake rushed in with a bowl of fruit loops, placed them by your side and threw his hands onto your bump; tears ran down his face. 

"Babe, why are you crying? You're supposed to be happy," You placed your hands on top of his whilst your daughter made her presence clear. 

"I am happy, I haven't met her yet but I can already tell she's perfect," You leaned and placed your forehead onto your husband's as you cried happy tears with him. 

"You're perfect," you whispered to your husband. 

Jake Peralta ~ One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now