It Takes Two #1

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Your alarm rang loudly next to your bed, you tapped snooze and rolled to the side to see that your husband, Jake, was missing from your bed. Your heart ached to see him gone. You grabbed your phone to see a text from the man you were thinking of:

Sorry Babe, they needed me at work. Love you x 

You smiled as you read the text, it was a nice gesture for him to tell you where he went. 

You sat up against the headboard of your bed and your head ached mildly, you told yourself it was nothing and proceeded with your morning. As you stood out of bed your world was spinning and you felt queasy. You called your boss to tell him that you had symptoms of the flu and he allowed you a day of rest. 

You headed back to your bed and curled up under the sheets; your world was spinning around you and your body ached with pain. You text Jake to let him know - you always text each other during the day because you liked to know if your husband was safe whilst at work considering how dangerous his job was. 

Hey babe, not feeling the greatest today - hope you're okay x 

Whilst waiting for a reply you did the maths in your head and realised that it didn't add up.. were late. 

Feel better soon y/n - I'll bring you soup! x 

You rolled out of bed as quick as you could and rushed to the bathroom; you grabbed the emergency pregnancy test box and used the first test. 

Those two minutes were the longest you've had in your life - whilst waiting for the results you couldn't help but think about what life would be like as a mother. You thought about baking cookies and sleepless nights, school runs and Christmas mornings and then you thought about Jake as a dad and a tear came to your eye; you'd never spoken to Jake about having kids before but he had told you about his fear of being a bad father but you always reassured him and he reassured you when you needed it too. The timer on your phone went off. Two minutes had passed.  

You picked up the pregnancy test to see two lines. It was positive. Tears filled your eyes; they were a mix of happy and surprised. You turned your attention to the noise coming from the front room. 

"Y/n?!" Jake's voice filled your ears, you couldn't decide whether or not to tell him straight away. 

Jake walked into your en suite bathroom to see your eyes red, he dropped his things and pulled you into a tight embrace. 

"Don't hug me whilst I'm sick-" You paused briefly when you realised you weren't actually sick. 

"Why were you crying sweetheart?" Jake's soft voice comforted you before you realised that the truth would have to come out.

Jake's arms were still wrapped around you, you knew now was the right time. 

"...I'm pregnant,"

A/N: Sorry it took so long to update this! If any of you want to make a cover for this story feel free to DM it to me (if you can even DM on here haha)

Jake Peralta ~ One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang