A Real Life Die - Hard Situation

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This one shot is inspired by S3 Ep 10 "Yippie Kayak" 

It was a dark night on the 23rd of December, you had been so busy working on a B&E in the precinct recently and it drained your energy completely. 

You sat at your desk, your head resting on your case file. Jake saw you and walked over to investigate. 

"y/n...y/n?" You lifted your head slowly, small tears emerging in your eyes. 

"Hey, it's okay; tell me what's wrong," Jake pulled you into a tight hug; his warm body made you feel comfortable as his hands rubbed up and down your back gently to calm you.

"This case is stressing me out, it might be handed to major crimes and it's the 23rd of December and I haven't bought Christmas gifts yet," You were released from the hug and you wiped your tears with a tissue. 

"Who do you have to buy gifts for?" You looked deeply into his dark brown eyes and almost got lost. 

"My parents, aunts, uncles and my boyfriend," You hesitated on the word boyfriend. Jake looked heartbroken to hear that you had one.

Your boyfriend was a jerk to you; he didn't care about you at all - he wouldn't come home until early hours of the morning smelling of alcohol and would always wake you up coming through the door.  You wanted to break it off but you were scared of how he may act; he never remembered anything whilst drunk and was only angry when sober. Sometimes, he'd get too angry and would threaten to hit you but would never do it because you were a cop.  

"I can help you, meet me at the store around the corner in 15 minutes and we'll buy gifts to clear your head and then you can work on this case with an empty mind," Jake was too kind to you. 


You managed to pick up the gifts you had in mind...all except for your boyfriend's. You hesitated getting him one because he was only horrible to you. 

"All you've gotta get is that other dude's present right?" Tears formed in your eyes at the thought of spending another night with him either angry or drunk. 

"Don't cry! I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you-" You cut him off.

"You didn't, we're not on good terms right now. He's not a very nice guy," You mumbled the words that you never told anyone before.

You and Jake were close and so you were comfortable telling him the whole situation with you and your idiot boyfriend. He pulled you into a hug and told you that everything would be okay; You felt he was too good for you. 

You went to leave the store when you heard faint shouting from the other side. You saw a man wearing a black ski mask violently dragging a store clerk down the isles, the clerk's hands were tied together and tape had been placed over his mouth to stop him yelling. It was a robbery with hostages. 

"It's real life Die-Hard!" Jake whispered with happiness and you rolled your eyes with sarcasm. 

Neither of you had your gun on you at this point but called Sgt. Jeffords to ask for help and back-up. You heard the sirens and saw blue and red lights outside in no time but they couldn't enter because the robbers were armed. 


Quietly and cautiously, you geared up with what you could find around the store and took out as many of the bad guys as you could; Jake gave them strange German names and you took them down one by one. He suggested that you climb through the vents to find where the hostages were being held. You split up from Jake and headed to a room where a vent was located; you unscrewed the top and it crashed onto the floor causing a loud noise attracting both Jake and the other robbers to the area - the robbers got to you first and Jake watched as you got dragged away - it killed him knowing that if he helped you he'd blow his cover and could end up getting the hostages killed. 

You were dragged to a room and thrown on the floor tied up and mouth taped like the other hostages - the guy who dragged you threw your police badge at you in disgust. 

"Look, a  stupid cop who couldn't save themselves or the others around them - typical,"  He took off his mask to reveal himself to be your boyfriend; everything around you felt slowed down as you took in all of this information - it made more sense as to why he hated you and why he was never home before midnight. Your world shattered around you. 

Jake thudded down the vent and thwacked the thugs and your boyfriend in the heads, knocking them out, he untied you first and took the tape away from your lips. You stood up and pulled him closer to your body and smacked your lips onto his - he didn't pull away. Instead, he enjoyed his moment with you. 

You pulled away and untied all of the hostages; Jake couldn't help but smile the entire time. 

"They're not here to terrorise, they're robbing the store and escaping through the sewers - I alerted Terry and the rest," Jake pulled you into a hug. 


You sat on the ambulance step with a blanket around you. Jake stood in front of you his hands in yours. 

"What's your plan about your boyfriend?" Jake looked into your eyes with hope on his expression.

"He's currently being arrested for robbing a store," You nodded your head to the man being placed into a police car with handcuffs on. 

"Woah, didn't see that coming," He laughed with you. 

He pulled you in for another kiss and you shared the moment together - your body filling with love for the first time in a while. Jake pulled away. 

"Yippie kayak other buckets!" He laughed whilst leaning in to kiss you once more. 

A/N ~ Hello! Thanks for reading :) I'm sorry if you found this or any other of my chapters boring I'm working on trying to make them more interesting. 

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