"Hey Harry, while those guys are talking, want to hear something new for your fans?" One of Harry's publicists, Jamie, asks. Harry nods. "Resting your vocals, huh? Anyways, I have decided this art-contest thing, theme will be dreamy or some shit like that, you included, obviously! Prize, umm, your autograph? Kidding. One hour alone with you?"

"Alone? As in a fan and me alone in my huge mansion? Nope. I'll be assaulted, fuck."

"No you won't, we'll check the winner too. I'll be sure to select some like, five artistic stylers and-"

"Make sure, you tell them to make a video of themselves making it. You know how people are," he says. Jamie nods. "I know; I was thinking of that. So, send entries to stylersart@music.in?" Jamie asks as Harry nods. "Confirmed."

"Okay Harry, come on." Fred said. Harry gets up and walks to the recording area as Jamie gets on to publish the new contest.


"Niall, shut up." Zayn says while going through his closet full of art materials. Niall was blabbering about something which he had no idea of. "Zayn did you attend the meet, I mean the sports psychology interested students could or could not go, but did you even attend it,"

"No I didn't. I don't actually care about it right now." Zayn says as he fishes out some bottles. Niall manages to catch them. Niall places it on the wooden table beside him, then Zayn passes some more bottles and a few brushes followed by few sharp pencils and charcoal pencils. "You seem very serious about it, well it's not a big deal--"

Zayn glares at Niall who decides to shut up and help Zayn. "I need a big sheet of paper. Like, which covers half of this room." Zayn says turning around as Niall frowns and looks at his hazel eyes which were kind of too close to him. "We can buy it from the supply store down the road near the--"

"We are buying it now." Zayn says as he turns to the right wall to see the time. It was a vintage clock, Zayn liked vintage furniture around. "Zayn, you don't have to hurry, I mean like it's on for like five days--"

"I have to study, I have to work and this is too damn important for me. If I don't get this one, I'll kill every possible human being I ever see," he says sternly to Niall who rolls his eyes. "Fine, don't be a drama queen and--"

"I'm not a drama queen. Are you going or not?" Zayn cuts Niall for the hundredth time. Niall groans. "Stop cutting my sentences, we will go, okay? Do you have the money for it?" Niall asks as Zayn shrugs. "I have my credit card and I haven't bought anything since five months and, mum gives me little money too. So I think it will do."

"It will be 29 pounds I think, from the length that you are looking forward to. Got it?" Niall said. Zayn nods. "I think I have like 300, let's get going. " Zayn says getting excited as Niall smiles. "You seem excited, you really want to win this, right?"

"Of course Lilac. Come on," Zayn says with a smile as Niall chuckles. "Don't call me that, Styles." he says. Zayn blushes slightly but decides to ignore it. "You need to shut up, Lilac."

"Fine, close the damn door and come along." Niall says while he waits for Zayn outside the door as Zayn grabs his phone and looks at the screen lock of Harry. He smiles and walks off with his wallet and keys to the impatient Niall who can't seem to stop tapping his foot on the cold ground.

"It's cold. Weird." Niall says. He walks along with Zayn who closes the door and dips the keys in his jeans as he shivers. "Yeah, should have took my jacket." he says. Niall smirks. "Oh yes, a delicate figure you are, Harry has a lot to take care of." he says as Zayn punches Niall on his arm not so gently. He winces but continues to laugh happily.


"Every time she closed her eyes, ooh ooh,

When she was just a girl,

she expected the world,"

"That's it. Good work Harry. You can go now." Fred says the golden words. Harry sighs grabbing a bottle of water as he takes a big sip and throws it to a random guy who manages to catch it. "Well Harry I have posted it, make sure to tweet something sassy about it!" Jamie yells out to Harry who nods.

He walks out of the studio with some men as he checks his call log to see her name. He chuckles as he clicks on her name but instantly cuts it. He looks at the big crowd of girls as he manages to push himself and get into the car. Couldn't risk calling in public and letting half of the world know about this.

He quickly calls Genelia. "Babe, are you ready? You're going to see stars tonight."

"I see stars every night." She muttered. He rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean."

"Yeah, babe. Waiting for you." She replied with a laugh.


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