I Don't Remember

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hey everyone!!! okie, first off, sorry about the super short chapter ^^' i was having major writers block so it took me a lot longer to flesh out what i wanted to happen. anyways, even though it's short, this chapter is very important! something is gonna happen to Y/n within the next couple of chapters and maybe a secret will be revealed *O* anyways, please forgive me for the the wait and the shortness of this, the next one will be longer, i promise!!!

A throbbing pain was the first thing I felt when I regained consciousness, the sensation pounding in the forefront of my head. The sounds from my surrounding area were muffled and watery, but I could faintly make out some grunts and gasps usually followed by words that I couldn't decipher. The sounds continued, eventually becoming clearer as time passed. 

"Stay still, I can't work properly with your squirming!" That was the first thing that I could make out and it was immediately accompanied by more growls of discomfort. My eyes flew open to make sure that my lewd thoughts weren't correct, the worst situation possible popping up in my imagination first. 

"I said stop moving, dammit! You're supposed to be a tough guy, right?!" An old man was holding down an shirtless greenette who had a fierce scowl on his face. "There. You're done." The man released his grip on him, revealing a large scar across the patient's chest and a bloody needle in hand. "Zo... Zoro?" My words came out slurred and soft, but both men turned their heads at the sound.

"Y/n! You're up!" Zoro tried to get out of his bed, ripping the blankets from off of his legs. The doctor roughly shoved him back, grumbling. "You idiot, move around anymore and I'll have to sew you up again!" The elder walked up me, softly forcing my chin up and stared into my eyes. He turned my head left and right, moving my bangs to examine my forehead. "Hmm, your external injuries seem to be healing alright..."

His hands moved to my shoulder, one touch sending pain rippling through the left side of my body. I jerked away, tears pricking at my eyes. "Still that bad?" The doctor sighed, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. You fractured your collarbone and dislocated your shoulder. Even though you popped it back in, you did a horrible job, really."

"Do me a favor, doc..." I managed to spit out some words even though they were broken by frequent gasps. "What... What happened to me?" As the doctor was looking over me and Zoro, I quickly realized that my memories of how I had ended up like this were murky and fragmented. 

He sighed, scratching the back of his head. "I can't really tell you much except the medical aspect of it. But if you want it, here's the diagnosis." He walked up closer to me, placing a hand on my forehead. "Sometime during your fight, you sustained a sudden amount of immense pressure against your forehead, which lead to some damage on your frontal lobe. Nothing permanent, fortunately, but your slight amnesia isn't surprising. You'll probably experience frequent headaches, your eyes will loose focus very easily, and your balance will be off. This'll only be for the next couple days, though."

His hands then moved toward my left shoulder. "As for these injuries,"

"There's more?!" 

"Unfortunately," The doctor chuckled softly, an apologetic expression resting on his weathered face. He tapped my collarbone, the slight pressure making me wince. "Like I said before, your fractured your collarbone and dislocated your shoulder. Even though you did pop it back in, I had to adjust it so that it would fit better because it was just barely in there. Try not to use that arm for at least a week."

I glanced at my sore shoulder, letting out a dejected breath. "Understood." The doctor gave me a quick pat on the head with a small grin. "Don't let it get you down. You'll be back to normal in no time." He then turned to Zoro who had been trying to grab his swords that were just out of reach the entire time. "As for you," The doctor poked him in the forehead roughly, narrowing his eyes. "I dare you to try anything crazy with that wound of yours."

The swordsman glowered back, but muttered something along the lines of an agreement. Somewhat satisfied, the doctor left, telling us both to rest. 

And of course the first thing that Zoro did once the door closed was slip out of bed, grabbing his three swords and checking all of them, as if they got injured. Once satisfied with their condition, he let out a sigh of relief and then turned to me, who was waiting expectantly for his attention. "So, I'm less than swords now?"

"Oh, shut up. You know it's not like that." Zoro glared at my pouting face, delicately placing his three swords on his bed before walking over to me. I was sitting on the edge, my legs dangling above the ground. I felt antsy as Zoro slowly walked up to me; I wanted him to check me over and make sure that I was okay too. I wanted him to kiss my injuries and tell me that I was going to be fine. These thoughts popped up rapidly in my head and it hurt too much to try stopping them at this point.

The first touch from his fingers sparked through my nerves like electricity even though it was something as simple as pushing my bangs up to see my forehead better. His face was dangerously close to mine, his lips hanging next to my nose to the point where I could feel the heat of his breaths. A small laugh escaped his mouth as he pulled away, leaving me longing for what I didn't get. 

"I'm no doctor, so I don't know what I thought I could do. I guess I just want to know, how do you feel?" Zoro crossed his arms, hiding the inflamed scar that spanned his muscular chest. "If I'm telling the truth," I brought my fingertips against my temples with a weak grin. "My head feels like its splitting apart,  I can barely move my left arm, my memories from yesterday are all foggy, every sound is watery, and I can hardly keep my eyes focused on anything anymore..." I chuckled a bit, finally meeting his eyes. "But I guess I can't complain, right?" 

Zoro rubbed the back of his neck, sitting down next to me. "Again, I'm no doctor. Most of the times, I just sleep or drink through my injuries..." Sweat dripped down the side of my face, knowing that this was the unfortunate truth. "But since there's no booze here," Zoro gently pulled me down, helping me onto my back with my head cradled by the pillow. "Why don't we get some sleep."

He wrapped me in his arms, not really giving me anytime to protest before I was trapped. "Trust me, it works..." His drowsy whisper tickled my neck as he snuggled with me, obviously no longer in complete consciousness or else his pride would keep him from doing something so cute. A smile forced its way onto my lips, Zoro already starting to snore. "Maybe I should let myself get some sleep..."

As I closed my eyes, a flood of information came crashing back onto me, overloading my brain all at once. I had to bite down on my lip to keep myself from crying out in pain, though small moans made it through. Yesterday became fleshed out in perfect color, but that wasn't the only thing that came back. My whole life had sped through my mind, every detail still as vivid as the day that it had happened. "No... No, please don't come back! I don't want to remember!" 

It was too late though; I could feel the searing pain in my eyes as the irises returned to their natural color. The power that I had always tried to hide, to suppress, was making its permanent mark on my body once again. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 06, 2019 ⏰

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