The Thief

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hey guys! so, just because i wanted to write the Arlong arc, the story line is gonna be just a tiny bit different. but just bear with me, it'll get back on track soon enough... anyways thanks for reading as always! i love you guys ^^ <3 peachy

I tugged Zoro along, guiding him through busy streets while he rubbed his eyes sleepily. "Okay Y/n, that's enough." Zoro simply refused to move anymore, reeling me back to him. He forced me to walk with him to the entrance of a small alleyway. "I'm going back to sleep. Shop on your own and come back for me. I'll help you carry the stuff back to the ship."

"But Zo-chan!!! We're supposed to do it together!" I crossed my arms, pouting childishly because he didn't want to come with me. He didn't even bat an eyelash at my complaint, waving his hand lazily at me. "At least let me sleep for another hour. Then I'll go with you."

"Okay, okay fine." I reached over to ruffle his green hair. "Sleep well."

"What the crap did I just do?! Ruffle his hair? That's so weird, dammit."

My thoughts haunted me, my burning cheeks only making it worse. The bustling streets of the town, though, soon distracted me from the embarrassment. Nami's list required me to go to a lot of different shops, searching for ink, paper, pens, and even wood polish. The only bad thing is that she never gave me any money to buy all the stuff with.

My arms ached as I walked back to where Zoro was, my wallet the only thing lighter from this shopping trip. I also had picked up a couple of things for myself, like some medical supplies (I like to have extra just in case) and a large bottle of sake. I found Zoro dozing in the same spot that I had left him.

"Oi Zoro, I'm back." I gently bent down to shake his shoulder, shaking his back and forth. "Uhhh..." Zoro groaned, his eyelids fluttering open.  "Time to go back?"

"Time to go back." I offered my hand to help him up. He grasped my small palm with his large calloused one. I felt my face heat up at our sudden contact, his strong grip an obvious token to his swordsmanship abilities. We began walking back to port, our hands still interlaced. This innocent contact made my face burn, my mind wandering dangerously.

"Stop that self! You're being ridiculous!"

I almost slapped myself in the face, trying to rid myself of promiscuous thoughts. "Oi Y/n." Zoro's voice snapped me out of my daydream. "Yeah?"

"Where's the Going Merry?"

"What are you talking about? It's right the-" I stopped mid sentence to see the empty spot at port. The rest of the boys were also standing near the empty space, talking to one another in confusion.

"Hey guys!" I waved to them, letting go of Zoro's hand (regretfully) to run up to them. "Y/n-chan!" Sanji ran up to me, reaching for the bags in my hands. "Let me carry these, my dear."

"Thanks Sanji, but I'll keep this one." I handed him the bag filled with Nami's stuff, holding onto the one filled with medical supplies and liquor. "But a more pressing matter, where's the Going Merry?!"

Zoro stepped in between Sanji and me, sticking out his arm protectively. Luffy scratched his head, frowning as he stared out at the ocean. "I hope Nami didn't get lost..."

"She would never. Nami is a beautiful goddess of endless knowledge. She would never make such a simple mistake." Sanji quickly defended her. "Guys..." Usopp pointed out to sea, focusing on a tiny speck that was fading into the horizon. "Isn't that the Going Merry?"

We all stared out at the floating dot as the realization of truth sank in. "AHH IT IS!!!" we shouted in unison, our jaws slack. "What the hell?! Where does Nami think she's going with our ship?!" Zoro angrily snarled, glaring at our vessel. I chewed on my lip, mulling over the possibilities. "No way... She couldn't be that Nami could she?!"

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