Arlong Park

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"Arlong? Of course I have. He has the highest bounty in the East Blue... I never actually went after him though." Zoro rested his hand against the hilt of his sword, subconsciously rubbing the end of it. "But what does he have to do with this island?"

"I think... I think that this is the island of Arlong Park." I gritted my teeth, frantically glancing around the nearby coast for a spot to dock. Waves lapped against the hull of our boat, almost masking the distinct sound of someone jumping into the water. "What was that?!" I whipped around, facing Zoro who was about to unsheath his first sword. "I don't know..." He stepped closer to me, both of us on high alert.

I felt it from behind; the slight tingle of a pair of eyes on you. Before I could react, someone jumped on me, almost instantaneously pulling me into a head lock. "Y/n!" Zoro drew one of his swords, pointing it at my attacker. However, two more fishmen jumped on board, forcing Zoro to distribute his attention in multiple ways. My feet dangled above the ground while I gasped for breath.

Weakly, I clawed at the slimy arm that held me against my will. "Who are you guys and why are you here?" My capture spoke, addressing both Zoro and me. We locked eyes, both of us trying to figure out if it was better to lie or not. "We came here in search of our... Friend." He spat out the last bit begrudgingly, still unsure of Nami's motives for stealing the Going Merry. "Oh? And who might your friend be?"

"Her name is Nami." Zoro glared angrily at the fishman that was slowly choking me. I kicked wildly, trying everything to get out of his grip. "Nami?!" In shock, the fishman dropped me. I fell to the ground, gasping for air with sputtering coughs. Zoro ran up to me while the fishmen doubled over with laughter. "Y/n, are you okay?" His large hand rubbed my back as I tried to steady my breathing. "Yeah... Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks Zoro."

I turned to the fishmen, who were still laughing like crazy. "What's so funny?!" My cheeks were red from fury that they would ridicule Nami like that. The fishman who had been choking me, looked back with slight pity. "I bet you're a pirate, huh... Look, if you want to see Nami so badly, we'll take you to her."

Zoro and I glanced at each other; the chances that this was a trap were pretty high. However, this was the only lead that we had. And I doubted these guys would take no very well anyways. "Okay, please if you could." I stood up straight before bowing my head slightly.

"Hmph, smart girl." As I was about straighten up, I felt someone grab my wrists tightly, forcing me back down. Course ropes wrapped around my ankles and feet, immobilizing me completely. I turned around to see them doing the same thing to Zoro, not before confiscating his swords though. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?!"

"We said that we'd take you to see Nami, sure. But you gotta follow our rules now." The fishmen pushed Zoro and I down onto the deck while they went inside the cabin to steer the ship toward the docks.

"Zoro... Do you think that Nami's okay?" I stared down at my feet, chewing slightly on my lip. Zoro let out a sigh, his tired eyes up toward the sky. "Don't worry Y/n. Nami is tougher than she looks." I laughed weakly, knowing the truth in his words. "You're right... We shouldn't be too worried, huh? Well, at least not for her sake." Zoro chuckled at my comment, locking eyes with me. "You don't have to be worried for us either."

The fishmen rode out boat down the coast until it reached a large gate. "Open the gate! We've found someone suspicious!" At their cry, the gate opened with a groan revealing an ornate building with a moat in front that lead to a throne. A fishman with sky blue skin and a long, serrated nose sat confidently in the seat, watching the boat ride in with gleaming eyes.

"I'll ask you once again," The fishman, whose name we learned to be Arlong, asked us the same question that had been asked multiple times before. "We told you already," Zoro snapped back, annoyed at the repetitiveness of this game. "We're looking for a girl, half-fish bastard!" I watched as Arlong's face contorted, becoming dark with anger. "You've got a big mouth for a lowly human. I'll excuse you this time, but don't ever say 'half-fish' again."

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