Feelings & Flirting

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oh my god guys i'm so sorry about this! i meant to post this chapter a while ago but life has been so busy and i've had major writer's block on this chapter, but i know that it's no excuse... thank you so much to everyone who has read it so far! i'm having a great time writing it so please stay with me <3 peachy

I walked back toward the town trying to process what just happened. My finger tips still tingled with excitement from touching his lips. A lingering warmth still made my body glow with elation. Something about Zoro made my heart flutter uncomfortably, made my face get hot, made me smile uncontrollably. I hated it, yet I wanted to feel that way all the time. I didn't know how to describe this; relationships and emotions weren't very common feelings when you're a paid assassin. 

Still, I couldn't let my thoughts wander, at least not right now. I had a mission to complete; find a boat and get food. I walked through town, getting multiple stares from multiple guys. "Why are they staring? Have they seen my wanted poster or something?"

"Hey hot stuff! Wanna come grab a drink with me?" A young man called out, breaking away from his friends to chase me. "Not particularly." I coldly brushed him off, refusing to even look at him, "Oh come on! You can't really expect to waltz in looking like that and not get some offers."  He draped his arm around my shoulder, his hand dangerously close to my chest.

My reflexes kicked in and I grabbed his arm, flipped him over my shoulder, slamming him into the ground. "Don't touch me." I calmly placed my heeled boot against his cheek, glaring down at him. "Now, do tell me, is there anyway you can get me a boat?"

The sun was toying with the edge of the horizon by the time my errands were done. I had forced the young man and his friends to get me a reliable boat, as well as some dinner. Unfortunately, clothes were not a part of the deal. I carried the bag of food with me as I returned to where Zoro was sleeping. 

When I got back, he was laying in the same position with his brows scrunched together. An empty bottle of my sake was clutched in his hand, my letter, crumpled, in his other. He looked so pained, yet calm at the same time. I leaned over his face, simply absorbing the magnitude of his features. A sharp, strong jaw with lips that were almost always in a scowl. His mint hair contrasted by the pigment of his tan skin, bringing out the tones of his muscles. 

I bent down, my lips dangerously close to his forehead, before I felt his presence stir. Immediately, I backed away with flaming cheeks, desperately trying to play it cool as I stared out toward the ocean. "Oh, you're back already?" I heard him shuffle from behind me, followed by a small groan of pain.

"You know, maybe you should just lay down for a bit longer." I chuckled snarkily, turning around to face him. "Oh shut up..." Zoro playfully pushed my head before sitting down next to me with a small sigh. "I hope you made yourself useful and got some food."

"Greedy bastard..." I grabbed the plastic bag, opening it to find a container filled with simple fried rice. "Here, take it. I'm not hungry anyways." 

"Suit yourself," Zoro shrugged, grabbing the fork to dig in. I stared out at the ocean, the boats bobbing in the crystal sea. "Have they found Nami yet? Are they okay? Will the bird trick work?" Thoughts swirled in my head, going a million miles per hour. Still, at the forefront was only one person; the man sitting next to me.

"DAMN IT!" My peaceful contemplation was disturbed by Zoro's loud shouts. I turned to see him, aggressively trying to feed himself, only to have his shoulder lock up in pain only a short distance away from his mouth. I couldn't conceal my giggles at such a pitiful sight from such an intimidating man. I leaned in close, stealing the fork from his calloused hands. 

"Am I really going to have to do this?" Blush tickled my face as I dug the fork into the rice; I was sitting right in front of the grouchy swordsman, his fierce eyes now focused bashfully on the ground. "If I could do it on my own, don't you think I would have done it by now?" He scowled at me, but his shoulder slumped almost immediately afterwards, as though he was ashamed of his behavior.

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