Let the Fight Commence

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guys... 1k reads?! i'm so excited that you're enjoying this book and i'm sorry that i update so slowly. don't worry, i'm going to continue it no matter how long it takes so please stay with me!!! thank you so much for reading!!! <3

I frantically wiped my eyes as tears flooded my face, Nojiko finishing her story of Nami's past. Sanji had his arms wrapped around me as I cried into his chest; as embarrassed as I was, I couldn't stop myself. "So now that you guys know the whole story," Nojiko glanced from Usopp to Sanji to Usopp. "I'm going to have ask you to leave." I peeked out from Sanji's chest, looking at Nojiko with disbelief. "You're kidding, right?" 

"Y/n-chan..." Sanji put a hand on my head, the smoke from his cigarette tickling my nose. "No! This isn't right! Nami's our friend, right? How are we supposed to just leave her now that we know all of this... She's risking her life to save her village-"

"That's exactly why you should respect her wishes and leave." Nojiko crossed her arms, her icy stare shutting me down completely. With that she held up her hand in a farewell, walking off back toward the village. Sanji rubbed my back as I tried to quell my sobs. "It'll be okay..."

I merely nodded, swallowing the lump that had formed in my throat. It was shameful for me to cry like this; to show such weakness. As I forced myself to stop the tears, Zoro yawned from under the tree where he was napping. "Huh? Where'd that girl go?" He sleepily glanced around, rubbing his eyes until he met my watery gaze.

"Catch up, Moss Head!" Sanji managed to hold me tenderly while still shouting at Zoro. "We already heard the entire story," He stood up, glaring at Sanji, but after taking another look at my face, he restrained himself. My face burned with embarrassment and I squirmed out of Sanji's arms. "Y/n-chan?" Wiping my face off with my shirt, I faced my crew members. "We need to find Luffy. He's captain, so ultimately it doesn't matter what Nojiko or we say. Luffy gets to decide if we stay or leave."

"Y/n's right. We should get going," Zoro began to walk off only to be pulled back by Sanji. "Yes, we should get going, but maybe going the right direction would be helpful." We walked silently down the path, heading back toward the town. Halfway through, I felt someone grab my hand and squeeze it.

Looking over, I saw that Zoro had slowed down to match my pace, taking the liberty of holding my hand. He met my gaze, a look of faint concern making his eyebrows scrunch together. "Is... Is he worried about me?" I accidentally kept staring while lost in my thoughts, Zoro becoming more and more red the longer I looked at his face. Finally he looked away without saying anything, looking more flustered than I would expect.


"What?" he snapped back, acting much colder than before, even though our hands were still interlocked. "Sorry for staring... I was lost in thought..." The shakiness from my sobs still hadn't left my voice, making it sound thin and hopeless. "No," Zoro averted my eyes, but tightened his grip on my hand. "Don't apologize, it just caught me off guard is all." 

We walked a bit farther before he spoke up again. "Are you worried about Nami?" His question made me bite my lip, my teeth sinking into the soft flesh. "Is it bad to be?" Zoro shook his head, his short green hair bouncing in response. "I think that we're all a little worried." I smiled weakly after hearing this, happy to know that my friends felt the same way about out navigator's well being. "I'm glad..."

By the time we made it to the town, there was a huge crowd of people with Nami talking to them at the front. "Nami!" I was ready to run up to her, but Zoro held me back. "What are you doing?!" I struggled against his inhuman strength, my movements freezing when he placed a finger against my pink lips. He nodded toward our captain, who was simply sitting and watching the situation play out. 

Zoro x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon