Bored... Again

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(Back to the present, as in Season One time)

I was bored out of my mind again; life as a paid assassin really wasn't as exciting as people made it out to be. Most of the targets were weaklings. 

I wandered aimlessly around the island after completing my job, looking for a place to eat. I came upon a small tavern that was unfortunately filled to the brim with customers. 

A group of boisterous pirates ate loudly in the back, my eyes immediately being brought to a boy with bulging cheeks and straw hat. We met eyes and he gave me a food-filled smile. I smiled back, laughter bubbling up within me to see such a happy person. 

Not seeing any open tables, I decided to sit at the bar. Only one open stool remained, so I slid into the seat. "Hope you don't mind if I sit here." I asked the man next to me, his brilliant green hair and piercing brown eyes somewhat familiar to me.

He glanced at me, breaking away from his mug to look at my appearance. "Be my guest." 

We sat in silence for a while; I ordered some food and a tall glass of alcohol. I began to down my drink, tired after my mission. I heard the man next to me snicker, which forced me to look away from my glass and glare at him instead. "What."

"It's nothing, I just wasn't expecting such a small girl to start downing her drink like that." He gave me a small smile, an expression that highlighted his already handsome facial features. I giggled, winking playfully. "The best things come in small packages!"

He let out a dry chuckle before going back to his own food. I could feel him stealing glances at me as I ate my own meal, but I didn't mind. It's not like I wasn't looking at him too.

After a little bit more silence, I glanced over to see something that caught my eye about the man; three earrings, each solid gold with a bar that hung down.

"No! It couldn't be him... Could it?"

Unable to shake off this strange feeling, I reached out, placing my hand on his arm. "Zoro?"

His eyes widened, looking at me with total confusion. I wasn't going to lie; it hurt that he didn't seem to remember me. Even so, I'm not surprised. We had only met briefly a while back.

Suddenly, his shoulders began to shake. He tossed his head back, chuckling. "About time Y/n! Took you long enough!"

"What?!" I dropped my glass as he laughed at me. "You knew who I was the whole time?!"

"Of course, you thought that I would forget you?" Zoro stopped laughing to send a smirk my way. "Well if you knew this whole time, why didn't you say anything?" I crossed my arms, pouting a little, but smiling all the same.

"I wanted to see how long it would take you." He pulled out a rolled piece of paper from his pocket, offering it to me. "You've been busy since the last time I saw you on that boat."

I took the crumpled paper and unraveled it. I couldn't help but laugh when I saw it; it was my wanted poster. "Why do you have this?" I asked through my giggles.

"Found it when we came onto the island. Thought that it might come in handy if I ever saw you again. Who knew that it'd be so soon, huh?" I couldn't help but smile down at my plate; my cheeks were definitely pink from joy. 

I jumped off of my stool, sauntering toward the front of the restaurant. "Hey! Where are you going?!" Zoro leaned back to keep me in his sight. I walked up to a large bulletin board, searching over the posters of pirates and criminals. "There he is!"

I plucked off the one that had Zoro's face drawn onto it, his third sword clenched tightly in his mouth. "You've been busy too." I waved it in front of his face once I got back.

"Stop flaunting that thing around! Someone's gonna notice us!" He reached for the poster, but I yanked it back, tightly rolling it up and shoving it into my pocket. "Jeez, chill out! Trust me, this place doesn't give a damn about criminals as long as you're not causing any trouble."

He just sighed, putting the wanted poster with my face on it back in his pocket. "So what are you up to nowadays?" I tilted my mug toward him before taking a sip.

"Believe it or not, I've got a captain now." I almost spit out my drink after hearing that. "Really?! You, Zoro the Pirate Hunter?!" He chuckled, nodding his head. "Yeah, it's a long story..."

"Well go ahead, I like stories." I crossed my legs and asked a nearby waiter for more drinks. While we guzzled beer, Zoro told me more and more stories of his bounty hunting and his new captain and crew for hours on end. 

By the time he had finished, both of us were more than just a little tipsy. "You're kidding right?! That's amazing Zoro!" I cheered, slamming my mug down onto the bar top.

"I know right?!" Zoro laughed, speaking even louder than me. He had a red hue coloring his cheeks, glass empty again. "Oi! Waiter! Refill!" Zoro stuck out his glass to the bartender who shook his head sternly. "No way. You two are drunk, please leave."

"Hey, but that's not fair!" I pouted, pushing my bangs out of my face. I leaned across the counter, getting close to the bartender. He blushed a little, our faces mere inches apart. "I-I-I'm sorry miss, but you have to leave..."

"Aww! But we were having so much fun!" I slumped down onto the counter, my long wavy hair spilling down over the edge. "Oi, Y/n, let's leave." Zoro stood up abruptly, glaring at a waiter. I looked up to see that one of the servers was staring at me, eyes focused on my lips and chest. 

"Okie, if that's what you want Zo-chan!" Being completely and totally drunk, I didn't notice my usage of such a cutesy nickname. But Zoro did. His cheeks turned bright pinks, a different hue from our drunken shade.

I was oblivious to this, though. We began to parade around town, enjoying the childish carelessness that came with being drunk. The sun was setting, soon leaving us in the dark.

"I guess we should start heading home..." I pointed at the newly revealed stars in the sky. "Well, let me walk you there." Zoro began to follow me as I headed through town. I blushed at his offer.

"Are you sure? Don't you have to get back to your crew?"

"Eh, it's fine. My captain's not really the conventional type, so I'm sure he won't mind."

"Alright then..." 

We walked for a little bit longer in silence, the only noise being our footsteps and Zoro's swords. "How long will you guys be staying here?"

Zoro shrugged, resting his hands behind his head. "Eh, few more days. Nami wants to get some more supplies for the boat and stuff."


More silence. "Is he really going to leave in just a couple of days?"

"Oi Y/n..."

"Yes Zoro?"

"Meet me in town tomorrow." He stopped walking, forcing me to turn back to see him. There was a small smile on his face. "By that fountain we walked pass earlier."

"Alright, I can do that. Why?"

"You'll see. Night." Somehow knowing that we were at my destination, he turned back to walk back, raising a hand in the air.

"Night Zoro!" I called out, waving toward him before I walked into the inn where I was staying.

Zoro's Point of View

"Damn, I still can't believe that was Y/n. I thought that she was cute when I first met her, but now... Now she's not only cute, but sexy too?! I didn't know that girls could be both. Whatever, I'll make sure that I don't lose her this time. For sure." 

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