An Interesting Goodbye

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I took one last look around the small room that had been my home base for only about a week. My type of work made staying in one place for too long very dangerous, so I never had much stuff because it would only end up being cumbersome later. The only things that I ever keep are my clothes, my weapons, a special blanket of mine, and a shabby doll from my village. 

All my possessions fit into a rather small backpack; once I confirmed that I had everything, I left the room, ready to start my new life as a member of the Straw Hats. 

The streets were still dusted with darkness; I had risen before the sun today. I really did not want Nami to charge me for being late. The cold air began to warm slowly as night turned into dawn. The morning chill made me shiver slightly, my skin exposed from my skimpy shorts and shirt. 

By the time I had made it to the harbor, the sun was bursting with a beautiful array of colors as it crept over the ocean. "What a way to start my first day as pirate, huh..." The Going Merry floated cheerfully in the calm waters, her figurehead facing the open sea. Excitement crept into my body, edging its way into every part of me. Unable to wait any longer, I ran up to the ship that was soon to become my home.

I didn't see anyone else up on deck, but I climbed onto the ship anyway. After all, I technically was a Straw Hat which meant that I was allowed to do this kinda stuff. The wooden planks felt natural under my feet, the gentle sway from the waves somewhat comforting.

I decided to see if anyone else was awake... At least that's what I would tell Nami if she caught me snooping around. The ship was large, making roaming around very exciting. I found a multitude of rooms, all in which I stuck my head in. 

Finally I had gone through most of the rooms, leaving out sleeping areas, Nami's study, and one other. It looked unspectacular, so I assumed that I could go in. I mean, what's the worst that could happen, right?

I was about to push open the door, when someone caught me by the shoulder. I looked back to see a man I knew all too well. His navy hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, his yellow irises piercing into my soul. "Oda?!"

My old coworker stared back at me, no emotion on his handsome face. "Y/n... Why are you here?"

"I could ask the same of you." I shook of his hand, returning his cold demeanor. "You followed me here, didn't you. I thought someone was trailing me this morning, but I didn't expect you to come onto the ship."

"Look, that doesn't matter. All that matters right now is that you come back with me. You can't possibly be thinking about running away with these scoundrels can you?" Oda was dead serious, his eyes flashing with anger.

I couldn't help but laugh at his expression. "Scoundrels?! You're kidding right?!"

"I don't see what's so funny!" 

"It's not like we're saints ourselves, Oda." I broke away from my giggles to become something more icy. "Look, it was fun while it lasted. I'm not going to say that I didn't enjoy those missions together, but after a while, it's become... Boring."

Oda sighed, running his fingers through the loose hair that didn't quite fit in the ponytail. "I can't believe this Y/n... You're going to give up everything because you're bored?! What are you, five?!"

"No, just restless. I couldn't tell at first, but I don't belong with you guys. It just wasn't a match, so the luster was gone after a couple years." 

"I don't understand your logic." Oda leaned against the wall scowling at me. "Of course you don't." I rolled my eyes back at him; despite our friendship, we hardly ever saw eye to eye on anything. I crossed my arms averting my gaze from his.

"Y/n, stop this. You're acting like a child. Just come back, I really don't want things to get nasty." I noticed Oda place a hand on his thigh, where he kept his pistol that was always loaded. "You wouldn't." My eyes narrowed at him as he drew closer.

"Oh please... You know me. I'm a cold-blooded murderer." Oda gently touched my cheek with his hand, tracing my skin with his fingers. I flinched at his touch, wanting to break away, but I was caught between him and the wall. 

"Oda..." My whisper was helpless; I couldn't find the strength to push away my old teammate... His confession from years ago still rang fresh in my mind.

"'Y/n... I'm in love with you. I don't care if you don't return my feelings right now, you will eventually.'"

His face was no more than a breadth away from mine; so close that I could feel his warmth breath on my skin. "I still like you Y/n. A lot. Just come back with me, it'll be better for both of us." He forced our eyes to meet, his hand jerking my chin up. I wanted to push him away from me, to scream at him to let me go. But... I couldn't. It's like my body had frozen up with fear. Fear that he was going to keep me grounded forever.

Oda got a little closer, his body almost touching mine. He smiled devilishly, leaning in past the point of comfort. My lips tingled anxiously, not wanting to meet his. 

A sudden creak brought my attention away from Oda and to the door that I was next to. A tall, muscular figure stepped out of the room, his eyes widening when he saw us. "Y/n?! And who the hell are you?!" Zoro glowered at him while a look of annoyance crossed Oda's face.

"We'll continue this later." He purred, his breath tickling my ear. 

"Hey! Get off of her!" Zoro reached out, grabbing the collar of Oda's shirt, lifting him off the ground. "What? It's not like you own her. I can do what I please with Y/n." Oda calmly replied, not phased by Zoro's strength. 

The swordsman released Oda, letting him drop to the ground. He suavely dusted off his shirt, straightening his clothes back in an arrogant fashion. "I'll see you soon Y/n, don't think that you can escape me." He winked, before looking back at Zoro. "And you... Know your place next time, you idiot."

My reflexes were automatic, pulling out a throwing knife from a pouch on my thigh; I recognized Oda's stance, the way he was reaching down for his pistol. I threw my knife just as Oda fired the gun, but it wasn't going to make it. I had hesitated for barely a second, just enough for the bullet to slip by.

"ZORO!" I screamed, my eyes wide with fear. I heard Zoro chuckle, his sword out. The bullet rolled harmlessly on the ground, lolling back and forth on the gently rocking ship. My knees felt weak, threatening to give out as I stared at Zoro in shock. 

Oda smirked, tucking his pistol back in the holster. "Not bad, swordsman, not bad." The footsteps of the other Straw Hats rang out, all of them rushing to see what caused the loud gunshot. Oda noticed, running out toward the deck.

"Bye Y/n... This was fun. Can't wait til next time." 

I ran after him, watching as he jumped off the deck exactly like I did yesterday. I could hear my new crewmates clamoring to Zoro from the hallway, but everything sounded watery to me. I felt almost nauseous, clinging onto the railing for support.

"Y/n?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. "Hey Zoro..." My voice was small and squeaky, weak.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Staring at the ocean."

I kept my gaze down, unable to look at anything but the crystal waves. Zoro stood next to me and we both watched the water until Nami called us for breakfast.

"You wanna go?" Zoro looked over at me, a little closer than he was before.

"Yes," I said while shaking my head side to side. Zoro chuckled softly; I noticed his hand edge toward mine, his movements slow and hesitant. After a minute or two of minuscule advancements, I finally felt his fingers touch mine. 

He glanced over at me as if he was looking for reassurance that this was okay. I smiled, giving his hand a small squeeze despite my blushing cheeks. I wasn't looking at him, but I could of sworn that I saw a bit of pink on Zoro's cheeks, along with a smile. 

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