Nineteen - Inevitable

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I have always believed that it would get better soon. Only to see that soon was not even a reality anymore.

What would it have been like? If I had just slipped that Bronze ring into the right finger.

I bet I'd be the happiest princess right now instead of a dying one.

But that's the Hue isn't it? It divided us. Just because Levi is powerless and Damian had power, I could've only been happy if I chose Damian.

Same goes with Damian. If he chose a Gold like me, if only he didn't love a White, he could have been happy too.

But we chose this. We chose love over boundaries between powers and that's why we're suffering.

And that's how we got here.

I closed my eyes, braced myself for the twenty.

But no bullets came. The murmurs and distant sounds of the people suddenly faded into nothingness.

I took a little peak and there he was.

"Damian?" I saw a figure in all black. His hat was even black, beside him was Leigh, also in black. They were dressed as Red runaways.

They both just stood there in the middle of the stage. The King was watching from his throne balcony.

"Son?" He called out.

Damian didn't answer. He just took his hat off and showed himself to all the cameras, all the people, his Father.

Gasps filled the whole place again.

I knew he couldn't say anything. There was nothing for him to say, actually. Him showing his face was more than enough to clear this mess up.

"Everybody, leave!" The King commanded and immediately, the guards pushed the people away and the barriers of the stage grew into a giant fortress as it slowly enclosed the stage.

It was only me, Levi, Damian and Leigh with the twenty soldiers inside the fortress. Damian tried to give me a look but I didn't bother to look back. If he thinks he saved us, he couldn't be more wrong. He got us here in the first place.

It wasn't close to over but I was still a bit relieved. I went to Levi's front, between him, the wall and the chains since he really couldn't turn forward. He just gave me a relieved smile, too.

After a few seconds, the King enters the stage with four guards behind him.

"Out." One word and a single look from the King had all the twenty soldiers out in a jiffy.

They all still formed that single line as they marched out of the fortressed-stage. Once they had all left, King Ethan let out all his fury in one blow.

"Seize them, now!" He yelled, angrier than ever as he pointed at his own son and Leigh. The guards obeyed.

Since it was now in private, Damian finally got to speak.

"You were going to kill her, Father!" He argued back, holding Leigh who was trembling, hiding behind his back.

"That's why you created all this mess? Because you thought that I was going to have your lover killed?" King Ethan's voice raised. He was really angry. It felt like in a single command he could have us all killed in that second.

"Yes." Damian replied, not a hint if sorry in his eyes as the guards cuffed him.

"This is a shame to your own Kingdom! To the Kingdom of Dahlia!" King Ethan was still shouting. Once he said that, I finally knew that I was going to be safe. I wasn't so afraid anymore.

Hue - The Kingdom of DahliaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ