Eleven - Chick Flick

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Elise? The Elise Hennessey?" Levi clarified in awe.

"Yeah, yeah." I replied plainly while we were walking in the hallway on our way back to my room.

Honestly, I never really found Elise that extraordinary of an actress. She was the twenty-year old sister of Commander Elliot and the daughter of a high profile General which was why her popularity skyrocketed from the very beginning.

Despite her being nothing special at all, she was Levi's celebrity crush since forever. I mean who wouldn't fall for that extremely perfectly curved figure, wavy golden hair and a vogue worthy and fierce face.

Using the palace as a set for a teenage chick flick is completely unprofessional of my Father to permit to. I know he's just doing this as a favor for General George to whom he entrusts his life.

"I know she's the General's daughter but I can't believe I can get to finally see her up close!" Levi said excitedly while fanboying the model/actress.

"Levi, just because she's going to be using the palace as a set doesn't mean you can meet her." I warned as we neared my room.

"Ooooo. Looks like someone's getting jealous." Levi teased as I opened the door to my room.

"Puh-lease." I reacted. "If you can really get her, then the better so that we can finally break this stupid spell." I said before I shut the door of my room.

There were only six weeks left to the wedding and my Father accepted the shoot that will go on for a whole week.

What was my Father thinking?

The whole morning of the first day of the shoot, I never left my room. I didn't want to see what madness they have set up inside our palace. I just had my lunch brought in.

"Audrey?" At around 1 pm, Levi knocked from outside.

"Just come in." I said while doing some work on my desk. He slowly opened my door and peeked with only his head popping in.

"They said the garden looks more beautiful for the movie. Don't you want to go see?" Levi innocently suggested.

He had no choice but to stay right outside my door especially when there are outsiders in the palace. Because of this, he can't move to see the set. I'm sure he just wanted to go see Elise.

"No thanks. You can leave my doorway and go see her for yourself if you really want to." I said without taking my eyes off of my workload.

"Okay fine." He got out of his good boy face and fully went in my room and shut the door.

"Can you please, please, please go on set. You know I can't enter if I'm not accompanying the princess." He begged desperately.

"Can't you see I'm busy right now, Levi." I said as I typed my heart out some reports.

"Fine." He said as he turned the door knob. As he slowly walked out, he whispered something not so softly beneath his breath which, I'm sure, was meant for me to hear.

"You're just jealous."


Excuse me?

Am not!

"Okay! Let's go see the garden." I said as I immediately stood and shut down my laptop with a big smile on my face.

Levi's smile went wider than a six year old girl's in Disneyland. I was a bit annoyed because I really didn't care about the garden right now.

However, once we reached the garden, I saw the beauty Levi was talking about. The bushes were perfectly formed into uniform sized spheres with berries sticking out. The rose field was much fuller since they really prepared ahead and the water fountain was brushed and cleaned especially for this afternoon's shoot.

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