Four - The Commander

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Like what Father said, Damian came to the palace to eat lunch with us. Along with Damian, Father also invited his most trusted friend, General George and his seventeen year old son, Commander Elliot. Piper always went head over heels for Elliot. He was a tall, muscular and good looking guy who had a blonde military haircut. She would tell me stories about how every time Elliot visits the palace, there will always be a rose by her doorstep. She had more love in her life than I ever did.

"Damian," Father's loud voice echoed in the dining hall while we all ate some desserts.

"Are the rumors I hear true? Do you not wish of this marriage?" He continued which made everyone silent.

Why do you have to do this to me, Father?! I didn't bother looking at either of them and just focused on my half eaten lime flavored ice cream. It has only been a week since the announcing of our engagement and yet weird but sadly true rumors have already spread around Dahlia and Quince.

"Your Majesty..." Damian's voice replied, "It has always been my pleasure to serve both Quince and Dahlia for as long as I live."

He gave such a safe answer. I couldn't help but get a little hurt. I never actually got used to it yet. After a minute or so, I decided to let myself out.

"Excuse me, but I think I have go to the comfort room." I said and then quickly left after I stood to curtsy in front of my family and the three guests.

"Audrey," Levi whispered when I came close to the exit of the dining hall where he was standing. He always knew when there was something wrong. I immediately raised my hand to signal that I did not want to be followed.

Once I reached the terrace close to the comfort room, I looked down the grassy garden field of the palace where I met that little prince. I then took the bronze ring off since I beaded it along with the charms of my bracelet.

"I didn't know princesses take such little time in the loo." A voice from behind startled me. I turned to see a smiling Damian coming towards the balcony as well.

"Well, this princess just wants to be alone right now." I said as I continued to face the open field underneath the warm noon sun. I clenched my hand into a fist to hide the ring for a while.

"Audrey, I know we both don't want this. We've always been great friends since we were children," He said quite seriously as he stood beside me and rested his arms on the balcony. "but we have to put our duties first, right?" He continued while giving me a pat on my head.

He stole the words from my mouth. I figured that it was time for me to give him this ring just to get it over with once and for all.

"Yeah, you're right. Duties first." I agreed sarcastically while turning to face Damian this time.

"I have something for you." I said while pretending to get something from my pocket-less dress using the hand in which the ring was hidden. I simply brushed my hand down the grooves of the blue cloth and pulled it back up.

"Even though we're getting married, I don't ever want us to be awkward around each other." I said while holding the ring up for Damian to see.

"Consider this as a contract that we will always be friends, your Highness." I continued as I took his hand and slowly slipped the ring into his ring finger. I held his hand and then stared at him straight into the eyes like what Aunt Hazel said. He gave me a genuine smile.

"Never take this off, okay?" I warned.

"Yes, Ma'am!" He said after giving me a salute. I just chuckled along with him.

"Audrey!" We were interrupted by Piper's troubled voice as she ran towards us.

"I should go." Damian said softly while letting go of my hand.

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