Thirteen - Not Real

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There were only three weeks left to the wedding and I'm dreading every day that passes leading to that very event.

Luckily, I have really been getting by. The other days in the palace were just the same. However, I did notice a slight change: Levi was acting less expressive of his fake love for me. To be honest, he was back to how he usually acts before the bronze ring took a hold of his finger, of his heart.

I felt quite strange, though. I sometimes find myself looking at his eyes just to check if they were still grey. I steal glances of his finger to see if the mark was still there. And every single time, it was grey, it was there.

My silly actions always leave a little smile on my face.

"Your Highness, Prince Damian is here again." Commander Elliot said as he looked out the balcony from the North Wing that was overlooking the gates.

Elliot also knew about everything: about Damian's betrayal and Levi's spell. Piper told him when I specifically told her not to. At least he swore that he wouldn't say a word.

Ever since that day in Quince, I turned every single one of Damian's visits down. I was often told that he kept asking if there was something wrong. I always just acted either busy or too tired.

"You should really let him come see you once." Piper tried to persuade me.

I wasn't able to answer her anymore. Instead, I picked a magazine from the coffee table and pretended to read.

"Come on. He's going to suspect that you know if you won't see him again." She reasoned out.

"Piper, if she doesn't want to, you don't have to force her." Levi butt in while still standing on his usual spot by the doorway.

"And how are you qualified to say that Because you 'love' her?" Piper snapped back.

"Yeah!" Levi jokingly raised his voice a bit.

"Don't make this any harder than it already is, Levi. We all know that's just a stupid spell that will end once you say yes to Elise and Audrey marries someone more eligible which is a really quick process since Father is looking for other Kingdoms to have ties with." Piper explained seriously.

"That's true. If not with Damian, his Majesty, King Reuben, was considering Prince Nikolai of Agapanthus." Elliot added.

I took a little peak of their conversation with my face behind the magazine.

"I was really planning on seeing Damian today." I said with my eyes back on one of the wordy columns of the glossy sheets while casually crossing my legs.

They all fell into silence before Piper asked,

"W-What are you planning to do?"

Maybe they were afraid that I would confront the guy. I should, shouldn't I?

I gave out a little smirk as I shut the magazine and plopped it back to its place.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid. I never do."

After hearing my statement, they all sighed in relief before Piper warned,

"Just be careful. This is the first time you're seeing him after that incident."

Ivy entered the North Wing and expected Damian to be turned down again. I'm sure the entire palace knows that we were not in good terms.

Rather, I wasn't in good terms.

"Your Highness? Uh- Prince Damian..." Ivy curtsied nervously as she entered. I bet she's tired of being the one in between the awkwardness of Damian's rejected visits all the time.

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