Eighteen - Preferably War

Start from the beginning

So he left.

There I was, clueless again, not knowing anything in the news. Maybe it's better this way... for now.

After a while, I finally decided to get out of my room. Levi wasn't outside. The hallway looks the same as always, until I saw two guards surprised to see me and quickly talked to the others through their earpiece.  I approached them.

"What's going on?" I asked with strictness in my voice.

"Y-Your Highness." Both of them said as they bowed in chorus.

"What is going on?" I said slower, with more dominance.

They both looked at each other as if they were hiding something from me, as if they were passing the task of telling me to each other.

Until one of them finally answered.

"There are enemies from Quince outside the palace, your Highness." One replied in defeat.

Ahh the Blacks.

"And what are we doing about it?" I asked in a way telling them that they should be the ones doing something about it.

"Your Highness, we were asked to guard you while the soldiers handle them. There aren't too many of them." One guard assured me.

"It is advised that you please go back to your room where it's safe, your Highness." The other instructed politely.

Unsatisfied, I thanked them, ignored their advice and went on my way to look for Piper. She wasn't in her room so she must be in Mother's. The designer hologram was in there.

"Piper?" I peeked in Mother's room.

Mother was on her bed reading another one of her really thick novels. I rarely see her laying down idly by this late in the morning. I mean, it's almost 11 am. As I predicted, Piper was designing a gown through the hologram. They were both in their robes like I was. Maybe it was because there were
rebels and they were also advised to stay in.

"Audrey, dear. How are you feeling?"Mother asked as she hopped out of bed to stand. Piper stood too.

"Hey, really, I'm fine." I said holding up my hands to let them carry on.

"There are rebels?" I asked as I came closer to sit with Mother. They both shared a look.

"Who told you?" Mother asked.

"Some guards."

"Yes, there are, but just stay here or in your room and don't worry." She assured.

"What else is wrong?" I knew there was something else. So what if there were Quincean rebels in our palace?

Why hide it from me?

Piper sighed. I think her big mouth couldn't handle it.

"The difference with those enemies from last time is that, well, they aren't Blacks."


Mother sighed this time and closed her book.

"Audrey, Quince wants to declare war. They're sending a few soldiers at a time to scare us. It started last night." She said softly.

"War? Under what grounds?!" I threw a fit.

What did I do that was so wrong?

"Everything. From you having an affair, treason and being the cause of Damian's death." Piper explains like I should already know all this.

Ok, maybe it sounds wrong, but I wasn't actually guilty of anything.

"Don't worry, Audrey. The soldiers and guards are handling it." Mother said again.

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