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An Angel?

Loud crashes of bottles echo in the surrounding follows with grunts. Some of the shards from the broken bottle flies towards your arms and it gives little cuts and bleeds.

You grumpily took another bottle of beer and opens it easily and immediately drown yourself into it. After you finish it you throw it to the ground and it crashes towards the floor and breaks its. Shards of glasses flies away again.

Your vision is blurry and your head is slowly spinning, you just groan and messed your hair. You again open another bottle and just when you're about drink from it someone stole it from your hands. You froze and angrily look up and there is a man standing beside you. You squinted your eyes but your blurry vision is not helping, you're blinded by the lights from the bright full moon, so you closed your eyes and curse under your breathe.

"Damn fucking it." You hissed.

"If you continues breaking bottles in here someone will step on the shards accidentally and get mild injuries." A low lazy baritone voice lingered to your ears. You just irritatedly look at him again but your vision didn't reach his face and all you can see is his chest covering with a white V-neck shirt and there is a tattoo peeking on it.

"And... that should be my concern?" You asked sarcastically.

"Yes." The man answered. You saw him crouch down infront of you and finally you can see his face.

"Really, tell me more about the things I should be concerned of--" you halt when you get to stare on his face.

Blurred but still the dashing face of this man didn't escape from your sight. His sharp silver-gray eyes is piercing into you. A goatee above his chin and both side of his face is visible and his messy dark silky hair is hanging on his forehead. His eyebrows furrowed. And his gold earrings is sparkling under the moonlight.

"What--" you paused and doesn't know what to add in your sentence.

"You're drunk." He glance at the empty bottles beside you, the bottles that you didn't throw in the ground at least.

"What is an angel doing here?" You whisper unconsciously. His silver orbs flickered back at you, confused look then follows a laugh.

Your heart skipped a beat hearing his heavenly laugh.

Damn I'm really this drunk? You thought and you frown at him.

"A tattooed angel? That's interesting." He said sarcastically and smirk. You shook your head not getting any sense from his words.

"Are you here to fetch me? Am I going to heaven?" You asked stupidly. You heard him snorted.

"A drunken girl is not allowed in heaven." He answered, you saw him drink the beer that he is holding. The one he snatch from you. Your eyes widened.

"Hey! That's mine! What a bad angel you are. Did the heaven throws you here? I see." You said and smirks. One eyebrow lifted on the man's face.

"Maybe, maybe not." He lazily answered and sit besides you.

"Uh-huh. If you wants to join me drinking, buy yourself your own beer." You said in an irritated tone. He just smirks.

"Who said I want to join you drinking. I'm just here to tell you, you're making this rooftop messed up and someone might get injuries from here. After you get drunk, you should clean up." He explains. Your brows furrowed and face him.

"Who are you to make demands?"

"I'm just a concerned citizen. You might get serious injuries too, look at your arms its already bleeding from the little shards"

"And you don't care." You hissed.

You stood up but the moment when you're on your feet the worlds starts spinning and you almost felt falling in the ground.

But before you land, a strong arms catch your back and hips, and there this angel's face appeared above you. Serious eyes are piercing into your e/c orbs. Your vision is turning blurry and can't almost recognize any shit.

"Damn woman." The last thing you heard before everything went blank.

*** Timeskip brought you by bepo apologizing ***

A loud alarm ringing throughout your room. Your hands search into it and you angrily throw it away. Loud crashes echo in the room and you sit up, immediately putting a hand in your head as a massive headache attacks your brain.

"Fucking damn it!!" You shouts and gently pulling your hair. You stands up and storms in your bathroom and have a warm shower hoping that your hangover will just go away like magic. The bath did helps but just a little bit. Your head is still throbbing like your heart relocated in your head.

You storms out in your room and stomps grumpily in your kitchen when you halt and shocked envelope your body. You saw a tall fucking black haired man standing infront of your stove and cooking something smells good. You frown and your blood is boiling up, didn't know what to think or feel. You grab a flower vase near you.

"Who the fuck are you?!" You shouts and threatening to throw the vase at him. He immediately turn around and widened his eyes when he saw you.

"Wait-- what are you doing?!" He shouts back when you throw the flower vase at him but he easily dodge it crashing in the wall. You step back and searching for some weapon you could use.

"How the fuck you get inside?! What are ARE YOU doing in MY UNIT?!" You shouts again, grabbing the broom in the corner of the kitchen's door.

"I don't mean harm! What the hell! You got drunk last night, and before you passed out you gave me your key card and luckily you're just my neighbor." He explain and sigh heavily.

"Damn is this what I get for helping a drunken woman?" He frowns. You stopped and relax a bit. Realization flow in your stupid mind and you faint memories flashes.

"Y-you're the angel?" You asked shocked. You heard him snorted so you just glared at him.

"You're still drunk huh? By the way. Grab some breakfast here. I'm leaving now, still have classes." He said and starts walking. You immediately stepped aside. He passed beside you and storms out in your unit.

You froze for a moment and absorbing what just happened. Then you pulled your hair for being stupid.

Damn it did I just trusted a complete stranger?! How stupid I am?!


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