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You were so bored while sitting on a swivel chair inside the conference room while you're waiting for you father to finish talking to his phone.

You huff in annoyance and the frown in your face is never leaving. You saw Erica is silently watching him. You just roll your eyes in annoyance.

It's been a month since your father decided to let her learn how to handle the university and as for your observations, Erica is really having a hard time to handle the university and at the same time trying to study.

You can't help but to think what will the university will end up if she'll be the one handling this? You shake your head at your thoughts.

You decided to not let her take this university from you. You'll declare a war against your father is that ever happens

"So.. where we are again?" Doflamingo said as he puts his phone in his pocket and face you and Erica.

"We're in the conference room." You answered sarcastically. Your father looks at you then he smirks.

"Ah yes. About the university." He said then walk to the center of the platform infront of you

"I can see that Erica can't handle the university while she's still studying. You're having a hard time." He said then turn to Erica. She just look down.

"I-I'm sorry. Maybe I'm just not used to it. But don't worry, I'm going to do my best." She said then look at Doflamingo with hopes in her eyes. The man just nod

"But thats fine. You focus on your studies first and maybe after you graduate, I'll let you work of one of our companies. There's no need to rush." Doflamingo said, he sits on the isle then she looks at you.

"I'll return the full authority to you, my dear daughter." He said. You stop for a second then you turn to him.

"You handle it very well. I'll let you have this one." He added. And because of that you can't help but to smile. A victorious one.

"I told you. Even how much you tried, this university belongs to me. Only me." You said proudly. You stands up.

"I'm the only one who knows how to handle this well. I hope this won't happened again, I mean you tampering my university." You said then smirks.

Your father chuckles.

"Fine. Its all yours. But I still hope you'll be good to your sister." Doflamingo said then turn to Erica. You frown at them.

"I dont play pretend." You said then leave the room.

* Timeskip brought you by Law being stressed *

You're frowning on your computer while trying to make it on the deadline of your research paper. You are so focus that you didn't even notice that someone is already inside your office.

You heard a noise in your table, sounds like a folder slamming on it. You shift your eyes on that and there you saw a white folders in your table and a big hands, even if you didn't look up you know who owns those hands.

You frown and look up to him.

"What do you want? I'm busy right now." You said in a cold voice. You saw him grin, the most irritating grin that you could ever seen.

"Sign those papers, my dear. I have decided to transfer the university in your name." He said then he chuckled, the villain like chuckle.

But what he said is not what you're expecting, so your eyes got widen and you quickly got the folders, you open it and read the documents in there and to your surprise he isn't making some sick joke. Doflamingo is seriously transferring the whole authority to your name. The university will be officially yours.

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