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"Woah. You fucked up, man," I heard Louis say behind me as his hand rested on my shoulder, Vanessa quickly smacking his shoulder as she hushed him.

After Liam and Ashton walked in, Harry with Ruby walked in and Louis had seen. My entire group of friends knew that I was in love with Harry, and they knew that what I felt was real love, not that celebrity crush type of love.

Seeing Harry in the flesh so close to me, yet still in a completely different world than I was, gave me butterflies. Not the normal butterflies though. My butterflies were fire breathing butterflies. They made my heart burn, my chest tense, and my stomach flip. I felt like I was going to throw up and Louis's words weren't helping.

I was stuck on the sidelines while Harry was stuck in the spotlight. I don't think he really minded his spot, but I didn't like mine. It wasn't fair where I was placed. Stuck in the shadows while he was in the light. He was Batman and I was Robin. He was under the appreciation of all the city of Gotham while no one even knew my name.

"Louis, you need to learn to keep your fucking mouth shut sometimes and go shopping for some chill," I heard Zayn tell Louis as my eyes stared at the door, my body and mind still in complete shock.

Zayn walked around my bar seat and over to Louis's, shoving him against the bar. Zayn was always protective of me, which I somewhat appreciated. He kept me safe from harm. "You're an asshole, Louis. Can't you see that Niall is upset right now? You don't know how to comfort someone at all! I have no clue how Vanessa even stands you!" He shouted although his words slowly began to become faint to my ears.

I felt dizzy and nauseas all at the same time. My head was spinning and my vision became blurry, everything sounding as if my ears were filled with water.

I clasped my hand over my mouth and quickly stood from my bar stool, shoving my way through the mess of people and to the men's restroom, Zayn fast on my trail. I stumbled into one of the stalls and dropped to my knees, vomiting into the toilet.

A hand rested on my back and I knew it was Zayn from the way it rubbed light circles over the fabric of my shirt. Louis usually just slapped my back, a little too hard, then he would rub it as if he was trying to soothe the pain away, but his hands were too rough. Luke's hands were gentle, other than his calloused fingers, except he didn't touch me like I was a glass doll like Zayn did.

I didn't really know why I was throwing up. I mean, I guess it was because seeing Harry made me nervous or something. But to be completely honest, I had no explanation for why I was vomiting.

Once I had finished throwing up, Zayn flushed the toilet and sat beside my body. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders, my face getting shoved in his neck as I began crying hard. 'Why does he have to be so rude?" I asked him as I sobbed into his shoulder, my body shaking.

"Hey, hey. Relax, okay?" He started, rubbing his hand over my back as he guided me to take deep breaths until I was calm enough to listen to him. "Louis sometimes doesn't know how to control himself sometimes. We both know that. He'll apologize though, trust me."

Which is exactly what happened. Louis came into the bathroom after a few minutes of me crying on Zayn's shoulder and apologized. Of course, I forgave him because he's one of my best friends. Yeah, he'll say some dumb stuff sometimes, but I love him and I know he loves me too.

We all stayed at the bar, drinking and having a good time for a couple more hours until I wanted to head home to watch Harry's interview with Jeremy Schaap of ESPN News.

I was the first to leave, picking up my jacket from the back of my barstool and tugging it on. "I'll see you guys later, yeah?" I said to them, laughing as Lauren jumped onto my back. "Get off!" I said and laughed as I dropped to my knees on the floor, a pain shooting up my calf and to my knees. "Lauren!" I cried out and she quickly got off, eyes wide.

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