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I sat at the bar inside of Champions, a bar and grill that was a good place to hang out during and after games. There were friends and family gathered all around in their jersey's, beads, everything and anything green and gold. It was nice being around these people. People celebrating with beers and wings. It was a common thing that happened at the end of games if we won. Packed bars, filled parking lots.

It also wasn't uncommon for some of the players to show up at some of the bars for only short time, but they did show. I had met a couple of the players that way, but never who I wanted to meet. Never Harry Styles. He usually didn't go to bars. He was one to go to fancy and exclusive nightclubs, which on my salary, I could never afford. I probably would never be able to get into thoe clubs anyway. I wasn't rich or famous or anything, which was fine by me. I didn't need all of that to be happy.

All I need to be happy is Harry, but he'll never want me.

I groaned softly to myself at the thought, looking up when the bartender handed me a drink. Her hair was in two braids, a green ribbon tied at the end of one and a yellow ribbon tied at the end of the other, a small Packers logo temporarily tattooed onto her cheek. She had on a Clay Matthews jersey and black jeans under her 'Champions' skirt apron, a name tag reading 'Vanessa' with a heart at the end of her name clipped on her jersey over her heart. I came to Champions often, so we knew each other well.

Giving her a smile, I picked it up and took a drink from it, licking my lips when I set the glass down. "Thanks, V." I told her, running a hand through my hair.

She smiled at me, leaning against the counter. "So, you proud of your boy, Styles?" She asked with a slight laugh, my head nodding a yes.

"Very proud. He did good today." I replied as I looked at her, catching my lip between my teeth to hold back a large grin from forming across my face.

I winced when I felt a hand slap across my back, chuckling when I saw it was only my friend Louis. He was quite attractive with his feathery brown hair and blue eyes, a strong jaw as well. His skin was tan and he was usually well dressed. Louis grew up without a father, so he was a bit feminine, but he wasn't gay. Lois and Vanessa definitely had a connection as well which I was completely okay with. They would make a good couple. They would easily balance each other out. Not to mention, she was the only one that could actually control and deal with Lou's shenanigans.

Louis was wearing a jersey - as well as everyone else is in this place, Horan. - although, his was custom. It had the number 07 on it for the amount of siblings he had and 'Tomlinson' written at the very top. I had gotten it for him on his birthday a couple years earlier and he wore it every Sunday. Louis and I had been friends since high school and both of us never really left Green Bay, which we were both completely okay with. I mean, we were living close to our favorite team and we had a group of some pretty great friends.

Our group of friends consisted of Vanessa, Louis, me, Zayn, Sophia, Luke, and Lauren.

Zayn was seen by others as the 'cool' one of the group, but in reality, he was a kindhearted angel, although, he didn't really look that way. Dark skin, black hair, brown eyes, sharp jaw. Yeah, Zayn Malik was pretty handsome and I don't even think that word did justice to the boy. I would kill for a date with someone like him. He was always wearing some form of black, nearly always it was a leather jacket.

Lauren was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. She was tall and curvy, carrying a healthy weight. Her black hair was long and thick, framing her pale face in such a way that made her bright green eyes and award winning smile pop out even brighter. Her and Zayn had a love-hate relationship. They would play fight, act like a couple, pretend to hate each other, then hook up. We all wondered when they would say they would call each other boyfriend and girlfriend, but that wasn't really like them.

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